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The Week Ahead 20181109

09 Nov 2018

Art Week 2018 Sarah Peel, music teacher Arts Week 2018 Hiba Academy Shanghai brought storytelling, Beijing Opera inspired mask making and live music into our classrooms.  The children and adults alike were delighted to explore the arts through these a hands-on, age appropriate and creative activities together.  There were many moments of magic during the week and we were delighted to see our community come together for this annual celebration.


 On Tuesday October 30th we welcomed the magic of stories to the building with a visit by British storyteller Paul Jackson. Paul has been an artist and musician for more than 40 years.  He combines stories from around the world with rhymes, songs, and musical instruments including the jaw harp, the kora, a West African lute-bridge-harp, and a djembe drum. These very animated and engaging sessions filled with animals and traditional stories delighted the children and adults alike. Throughout the week every child designed and decorated their own mask inspired by the artistry of Beijing Opera. This activity was organized by Lorna Collins, an interior designer and artist who works with Hiba to help us make our building bright, engaging and homey. The children created wildly different and creative individual masks as part of their classroom work. Look for your child’s mask to become part of a larger art installation here at Hiba Nursery over the next month.


 In Music we were delighted to welcome several members of the Hiba community to share their musical talents with the children. Every musician who join us offered a short performance, then introduced their instrument to the children and answered questions. The atmosphere in the Music Room was one of pure magic during these visits. For many of our children was the first time they experienced a live performance by a musician. Although it can be hard to believe, young children are entranced by so-called real music and delight in understanding how these performances happen. Many of the older children also had the opportunity to try the erhu or violin with the support of Ms. Sarah and Ms. Wang. Our most sincere thanks to our volunteer performers for their invaluable contribution to Arts Week:

  • Parent of George Zhu, violin
  • Parent of Elisa, EY2 Lambs, piano
  • Parent of Justin in EY3 Flamingos, violin
  • Hulk Li student in EY4 Elephants, cello
  • Leo Guo student in EY4 Elephants, accordion
  • Ziwei , student in EY4 Elephants, piano
  • Tishe Sokan, intern from Wellington College UK, saxophone
  The importance of time keeping The nursery timetables are set to maximise the impact of time on valuable learning opportunities and to this end, the nursery day starts at 08:30. The youngest pupils are afforded transition time between 08:30 to 09:00 as this prepares them for the day ahead. Re-familiarising oneself with the nursery surroundings whilst re-establishing routines and practices takes time and perseverance. Having time and perseverance support the development of a sense of belonging and security. Transition time for EY1 and EY2 pupils centres around use of the continuous provision in the classrooms and having opportunity to do something familiar and interesting helps readjustment and refocus. It also allows separation from parents and families with relative ease. Carpet time then commences at 09:00 and it’s busy, busy, bust from there on in. 


  For older children, who are familiar with routines and practice, transition time is still required but is shorter. Older children are able to make the switch from home to nursery with a greater level of confidence and ease. They need less time to organise their belongings, can separate from their families with independence and can take responsibility for knowing where they need to be. Because of this, formalised timetabled sessions in EY3 and EY4 start at 08:30. Children who are late miss out on valuable learning time. Moreover, they sense themselves that they are late and that they are disrupting others which can negatively influence their mood and change their behaviour from the get-go. None of this is conducive to a positive attitude and can be a challenge for young learners. It is our desire to support the EY3 and 4 pupils in their readiness for school; I know it is early days, but little steps are easier than great leaps. Attendance and time keeping are important factors that build up a holistic profile of the pupils. Childhood illness aside, missing days and repeated lateness impacts on learning – the learning of many.  To strengthen the impact of learning on all Hiba nursery pupils, I plan to make the following change and trust that the Hiba nursery families will offer their support and strengthen our partnership further. From Monday 3rd December, EY3 and 4 teachers will register pupil attendance at 08:20, so that planned learning opportunities can commence at 08:30 prompt. EY1 and 2 teachers will register pupil attendance at 08:30, as children enter for transition time. If, for any reason your child will not be attending nursery, please do ensure that you email both their Chinese and English teachers who will record the absence accordingly.   Friends of Hiba – introducing Mr Eric Lu, Chair of Friends of Hiba I am delighted to be able to introduce Mr Eric Lu, Chair of Friends of Hiba. Mr Lu writes:


Eric Lu, daddy of Agnes (EY2 kitten). I am currently working at a local Venture Capital and participating a new start up EV project as VP. Before i worked at a private Chinese chemical company as VP for general operation and Board Secretary for 5 years, prior to it, i worked for a multinational company for 10 years as head of supply chain APAC, executive assistant to the President. I graduated from EDHEC Lille France with a Master degree, lived and worked in France for 4 years. I like soccer, traveling and outdoor activities. I am sure that the Hiba community will wish Mr Lu all the very best – we all look forward to watching FoH grow!  

Parent Information Sessions – change of date

08:30 – 10:00 20th November – supporting children’s reading (EY3 parents only)

10:30 – 12:00 20th November – Reading for comprehension (EY4 parents only)

08:30 – 10:00 27th November – a guide to phonics (EY3 parents only)

For the above sessions, please register your attendance with Irene Jiang at reception

08:30 – 10:00 11th December – Friends of Hiba vision launch (all families welcome)