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The Week Ahead 20180831

31 Aug 2018
We’re off to a flying start! This week, it has been heartening to watch the nursery come to life as the children returned for settling in week. New and familiar faces joined the teaching teams to explore the new surroundings of Hiba Academy Shanghai. The nursery is an astonishing building and an inspiring learning 

environment for all. However, the children are the very heartbeat of the nursery; they are the life force that awakens the building and gives it purpose and meaning. And after channelling their energy into the nursery building, learning spaces and resources, the teaching teams have a new direction in which to channel their energy and enthusiasm – they have been akin to excited children themselves, waiting for the pupils to return. The teachers have already reported on how well the pupils have settled. For those in EY3 and particularly EY4, the teachers have expressed their delight in watching the pupils pick up from where they left off before the summer. They know who we are, how we are and what we do; the change in bricks and mortar means little to them as the fundamental essence of Hiba remains unchanged. We are the same ‘thing’, the same community and family and the constancy is reassuring to them. So here we are, back together and ready for a term filled with exciting projects, specialist subject themes and an abundance of opportunities to do what we do best: explore, discover, investigate, create and innovate. Did you know……this year we have our founding EY1 pupils (from March 2016) enter the final year of their early years education. They are the very first cohort to see it through from beginning to end, although the first year was a little shorter than usual.   Supporting your child to settle into nursery life Jingwen Chen, Curriculum Co-ordinator There are usually four types of separation anxiety among young children. 1、Change of children’s routine and habits 2、Great changes in their living environment 3、Changes in the relationship between adults and children in the nursery. 4、Challenges brought by increasing demands of life   Parents can help their child get through the anxiety period by considering the following and by letting their child understand that  parents will leave only for a while: 1、The initial separation works best under the situation of preparing the child in advance and  not suddenly. Once the child is prepared, it is important that parents make sure theyreturn on time. 2、Before leaving, assign some detailed tasks to the child, for example, ‘Mum is going to work, and will be back during lunch time. Please open the door for me when I come back for you’. After children develop their habits, it is easier for them to set up a fixed way of expressing good-bye when they are sent to the nursery (high five, hugging, kissing, etc,.)   Relax and take a positive view on separation anxiety: Be sure to avoid communicating this emotion to your child, such as an anxious facial expression, apparent upset in your voice, leaving once saying good-bye at home, but hesitating to leave in the nursery. It can be very easy to help children get through separation anxiety. Advice includes:
  • Trusting teachers and the teams at the nursery
  • Looking into your child's eyes when you talk
  • Keep smiling
  • Deal with your child’s emotions in a calm way
  • Say good-bye to your child calmly then leave without hesitation
When you say goodbye to your child confidently and talk to the teacher with ease and pleasure, your child gets the message that the nursery is safe. You send the message that, “You can trust the teachers here. My mum and dad believe I have the ability to face what happens next. Be well prepared and don’t be surprised when children cry – it is natural Please do not worry that all your preparations are in vain. Allow your child to express their feelings through crying. As long as the child is completely calm, after the initial reaction period, it will show results. During separation anxiety, you can read picture books with children at home such as《小猫头鹰》、《魔法亲亲》、《我爱幼儿园》、《睡觉去,小怪物》   I would like to impress upon Hiba families the importance of demonstrating the Hiba values and identity always. As we start to establish the rules and routines of life at Hiba, it is essential that all family members are positive role models. I ask that we not only model appropriate behaviour, but we support the children to foster a better understanding of the Hiba identity. Let’s work together and start with the following:


Kindness…… in our words and our actions to everyone around us Respect…… not only for the Hiba community but also the nursery, its spaces and resources Responsibility…… to look after our own things and the learning spaces; to ensure we do things for ourselves when we can, ask for help when we can’t and tidy up after ourselves Independent……to support children to try to do things for themselves: put on their shoes (even if they’re on the wrong feet to start with), pack their bags, pick up things they may have dropped, and walk (I know, I know, we all like to carry our children when they’re small) rather than magically float through the air towards their classroom!! I will offer my thanks to you all in anticipation of your help and support. As partners, I am confident this will be easily achieved to the benefit of our community.   An update on the Academy programmes for Autumn Term Academy.Bilingualshanghai@wellingtoncollege.cn We have some amazing Academy programmes on offer this year. In response to parent feedback last year, the Academy team have sought to provide an exceptional choice for EY2 – EY4 pupils:


The Academy will extend its offer to EY1 pupils from the Spring Term. However, for now the key focus is to ensure that EY1 pupils are settled in to their new life and new routines whilst feeling safe and secure with the adults around them.   A message from Sherry Zhao, Marketing Manager Parent Information Sessions for the Autumn Term We have planned some great Parent Information Sessions for this term. Please take a moment to review the schedule and mark your calendars. All sessions are held in the multi media room and begin at 9:00am.   Tuesday, 4th September Ready to Learn! Presenters: Chinaelg, Davy Guo, Psychologist, Ph.D. candidate   Tuesday, 9th October             Parents’ Talk with the Early Years’ Team Presenters: Vanessa Szucs-Hussain, Head of Early Years, Yuki Gong, Deputy Head of Early Years and Lydia Lim, Bursar Facilities & Operations of Wellington College Shanghai   Tuesday, 6th November          Parent Information Session Presenter: Friends of Hiba   Tuesday, 4th December The Sensory World of Children Presenters: Chinaelg   A note about classroom news
Classroom news will formally start from the week beginning 17th September and will be sent on a Friday via email to Hiba families. It will include theme news for specialist teaching areas (at the start of each theme), project news for each year group and weekly awards for pupils from each class. The awards will be in recognition of a pupil who has demonstrated the Hiba values, identity or has made themselves proud for achieving a personal goal or overcoming a personal hurdle. Whilst this is a weekly publication to parents, I have been considering an appropriate name and think that ‘the Hiba Daily’ is rather fitting. I like the way it trips off the tongue, what do you think?