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Family picnic on Children’s Day

06 Jun 2018

What would the weather be on June 1st? Would it rain? Would the sun shine? If it rained, what would we do? Where would we have the picnic? How would we tell the families in such a short space of time? Would we need to reschedule? All of my worries were gone when I woke up last Friday and checked the weather report, which informed me that it was going to be a sunny day! I opened the window and allowed the bright sunshine into my room, while feeling very excited that we were going to have an amazing picnic with our wonderful Wellingtonians and their families.




 With the fine sunshine, our second annual family picnic was celebrated in the gardens of the setting. Children, parents and the teaching teams were observed playing games, chatting and laughing. Mums were heard telling vivid stories, making funny voices and sounds. Dads were entertaining the children whilst enjoying yummy food and drinks. In the painting areas, our little artists were creating their imaginative masterpieces.


 The celebration continued until 3:30 in the afternoon when it was time for all adults and children to reluctantly go home. What an event! The delicious food, and more importantly, the valuable time children and their families spent together – what memories were made! The family picnic helped to build a closer relationship between the parents and the setting, as well as among the parents themselves. It was a perfect way to start the weekend and to mark International Children’s Day.