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The Week Ahead 20180518

18 May 2018
The Week Ahead..............this week, it’s all about events in the sunshine!   The weather is warming up considerably as summer approaches – time to ensure that our young Wellingtonians are well protected and are wearing sun screen, hats and mosquito repellent. Air quality permitting, we will continue to be outdoors, hence our ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy comes in to play (quite literally!). Exposure to the great outdoors is vital for children and adults alike. While too much of the sun’s warm rays can be harmful to skin, the right balance can have significant health benefits. According to the World Health Organisation, getting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face 2 – 3 times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of sun. Bear in mind that the sun must penetrate the skin, therefore wearing sunscreen and/or clothing over the skin won’t result in vitamin D production. The best time to be outdoors unprotected for short periods of time is before 10:00 and after 16:00. Any longer than a 15-minute period and an excellent quality sunscreen of at least factor 15 is recommended. Adapted from: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/benefits-sunlight#benefits    

Let’s get together….. Opportunities to bring the Wellington community together are important, to Yuki and me, as we believe these opportunities strengthen the partnership between us. Not only that, but such events provide many a happy memory for the children that we hope they will remember beyond their time with us here at the bilingual setting. We have various events coming up that bring together a heady mix of fun, entertainment, community, celebration, performance, enjoyment and sunshine…………come and join in the fun!   Saturday May 26th – Summer Carnival The definition of a carnival is a public event or celebration, typically held outdoors and involving stalls, entertainment and processions and an exciting or riotous mixture of elements. Oxford English Dictionary.  Whilst we are not predicting anything riotous, we do anticipate endless amounts of astonishing entertainment. Come and join the Summer Carnival 2018 for a day that promises to be full of fun for all the family! The Carnival will be jam-packed with lively entertainment, traditional and international games and sporting activities, arts and crafts for young and old, live music, dance performances, bouncy castles and so much more…………..there will be something for everyone to enjoy.   Friday 1st June – Family Picnic On 1st June, International Children's Day is celebrated annually throughout the world. Children's Day was established in 1949 by the “Democratic Federation of Women” Congress in Paris. China was one of the first countries to support the initiative. In December 1949, by the PRC government decision 1 June was announced International Children's Day. https://www.advantour.com/china/holidays/children-day.htm What better way to celebrate International Children’s Day than bringing our families together to enjoy each other’s company, relax in the wonderful Wellington gardens and make memories. Details will be sent out in the very near future, but for now……SAVE THE DATE!

Saturday 23rd June – Farewell event The end of our time here in this beautiful setting is rapidly approaching and the move to our forever bilingual home is imminent. Yuki and I are working closely with the operations teams to ensure that the transition is smooth, and we are excited about welcoming families both current and new, to the nursery in August. To end the term and our time here in style, we will be hosting a ‘Farewell Party’ on Saturday 23rd June from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. This event is for adults only and will be a time to reflect on what a fabulous journey we have shared. E-vitations will be sent out very soon.
  Classroom News for week beginning Monday 21st May 2018 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme The Very Busy Bee EY1 children will start our new theme The Very Busy Bee next week. Children will be introduced some insects from the story, such as dragonfly, snail, caterpillar, honeybee and butterfly. Children will have opportunity to use mud, brushes, water, leaves, and other nature resources to make a small world for insects/animals and to talk about the environment these insects/animals live. In art area, children can make dragonfly or honey bee craft with some material teachers provide. We will also prepare summer related activities such as making ice cream and ice play for children. We are reading: 《忙碌的蜜蜂》 《小船的旅行》 《是谁嗯嗯在我的头上》 The Very Busy Bee We are singing: 《小老鼠》 《健康歌》 《粉刷匠》 Ants go marching Special dates: 26th of May: Summer Carinal 2018   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Rainbow fish This week we will start our new theme “Rainbow fish”. To develop a deeper understanding of the topic, children will go on a treasure hunt to find scales and other decorative materials around the setting. We will use these scales and decorative materials to decorate beautiful fish. We will also create a sea world background in the classroom to display our fish. In addition, we will learn about the describing words from the story and talk about different types of sea creatures. We are reading: Rainbow Fish Goldilocks and the Three Bears 我的后面是谁呢? 海底的蓝洞洞 鲸鲨 We are singing: 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive There were 10 in the bed 鲨鱼一家 许多小鱼游来了 Special note: For show and tell, please help your child to bring some books or toys that related to our ocean themes.   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Adventures under the Sea “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full.” King Solomon. This week we will talk to the children about beached whales and ask for their suggestions of things we could do to help a whale or dolphin stuck on land. We will also begin to investigate the food chains of the ocean. The children will get to explore how the smallest of creatures help to feed the largest of animals. We will act out an ocean food chain in our gym sessions and draw diagrams to show where the chains begin and end. We are reading: 《爱笑的鲨鱼》 Smiley Shark We are singing: 《海藻歌》 Under the sea Special date: May 26th is Carnival Day Special note: Please note: Children arriving at the setting before 8.30am should go directly to the EY4 outside play area and leave their belongings in one of the cubbies outside of the canteen. On days where the air quality is RED, children can go directly to their classrooms. Please remind your children to bring their reading book every English day and their Pink Communication folder should be brought into class each day and placed into the designated basket.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Imagine That By reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’, we will be helping the children to develop their ability to sequence stories and to retell them with expression.  Following on from this, we will have a daily story which is chosen by children or provided by teacher, be supporting them to use their imaginations in order to change the characters and maybe even the ending of the story. We want to develop the children’s love of reading and storytelling in both languages. Not only is reading fun but reading stories each day helps the children develop an understanding of story structure, characters, setting, a sense of humour, comprehension, vocabulary and the list just goes on! We are reading: 《环游世界做苹果派》 《小叶子的旅行》 Winnie the Witch Rainbow Fish   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY 1 – Creeping, crawling, sliding and climbing… the garden is full of curious creatures!  This week our musical garden adventures will continue as we discover a hive of bees in the classroom and learn the classic English children’s rhyme and finger play Here is the Beehive.  We’ll also fly around the room to the well-known classical music piece The Flight of the Bumble-Bee and learn to sing 蜜蜂   EY 2 – It’s time to dive deep into the ocean and meet the Rainbow Fish!  We’ll learn two new songs this week - The Sharing Song by Raffi and小鱼游游游. We’ll move and dance with colourful scarves to the Rainbow Fish song.  Work on our class performances for the end of year celebration will continue.   EY 3 – Let’s go fishing!  This week we’ll learn the new song 捕鱼歌 and pretend to catch a big fish out on the ocean.  We’ll also practice our listening skills with a simple movement game to the song A Sailor Went to Sea.  Work on our class performances for the end of year celebration will continue.   EY 4 – Look up!  The sky is full of birds this week.  We’ll begin learning 布谷鸟 and listen carefully for the sounds of the cuckoo.  The exciting Bird Chorus will also be a highlight this week as we learn to talk just like our feathered friends. Work on our class performances for the end of year celebration will continue. We are reading: EY 1 – Here is the Beehive rhyme EY 2 – The Rainbow Fish EY 3 – Baby Beluga EY 4 – Have You Seen Birds? by Joanne Oppenheim We are singing: EY 1 -蜜蜂飞行, Here is the Beehive EY 2 -小鱼游游游, The Sharing Song EY 3 -捕鱼歌, A Sailor Went to Sea EY 4 – 众人划桨开大船(三), The More We Sing Together, Bird Chorus, 布谷鸟 Special note: EY 3 children please bring a pair of socks to play with during our小鱼游dance in music this week.  Any colour or pattern is welcome! Should you have any questions please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn for more details.