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The Week Ahead 20180309

09 Mar 2018
So...........this is what you think of us? The parent survey results came in over the Chinese New Year break and have been analysed by senior leaders at the setting. I was delighted with the response rate this year, with the majority of parents giving time, energy and effort to respond. Survey data provides an insight in to how satisfied parents are with Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai as an entity; the educational ethos, the experience (before, during and after joining), the staff and the services. The data provides us with a foundation from which to move forward; it is not all about change (although sometimes this is necessary), it is also about reaffirming who we are and what we do, that who we are and what we do is understood and that there is strength in the beliefs shared between Wellington and its families. The full list of results will be sent to the parent body very soon and a summary is provided below:

  • 92% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with the first impression created at the setting with all responses eliciting 90%+ satisfaction
  • 97% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai as an establishment with all responses eliciting 90%+ satisfaction
    • 100% of parents understand the pillars of the Wellington Identity and believe them to be important aspects of their unique child
  • 89% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with the facilities at the College
  • 93% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with their child within the setting with the majority of responses eliciting 90%+ satisfaction
  • 95% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with their partnership with the setting with most responses eliciting 90%+ satisfaction
  • 77% of the parent body are satisfied / very satisfied with services provided by the College
Overall, 91% of parents and families at Wellington College are satisfied / very satisfied with who we are and what we do. As Head of Early Years, I am very proud of the results and believe that whilst there is room for improvement (isn’t there always?) we are, and we do something very good. Now, where is my to do list……………..   Yuki and I met with the parent representatives on Thursday. I believe that we have a fabulous group of parents who work to voice the opinion of the wider Wellington community. Over coffee and pastries, Yuki and I have opportunity to participate in open and healthy dialogue around current issues. This meeting focussed mainly on how we can support the children outside of the setting to be more confident in taking risks so that they are more comfortable in the setting to do so. By this, I don’t mean jumping off buildings, or doing something that is dangerous, rather how to develop resilience; how to get something wrong and bounce back with a sense of determination, rather than a sense of failure. It is having the courage to have a go, to try something, it is being focussed on the process, rather than the outcome, being driven by learning rather than reward for achievement.    

My youngest son is a librarian at the International school and he gives time during breaks to help Miss Pippa in the library. He came home from school last week with a wonderful quote from Miss Pippa that mistakes are simply opportunities for learning (I later discovered from Miss Pippa, that this was because he had put lots of books on the wrong shelves and created even more work!). This is the message that we wish to give to all our parents and pupils – it is ok to get it wrong. It’s what you do after you get it wrong that matters. It’s what you take away from the experience, what lesson is learned, what new ways of thinking can be supported. Anyway, back to the meeting, we are going to set up some parent information sessions in the third term where we can share ideas and case studies on supporting resilience to develop a ‘have a go’ attitude to life and learning.   We are Wellington. We are smart. We are proud. What does a uniform do? What is its purpose? For me, it is about belonging, taking pride in your identity and appearance, demonstrating that you are part of a community. Wellington College is proud to have a uniform which is not only exceptionally smart but comfortable and washable (very important in early years). The Wellington College uniform is compulsory and to this end, please do not be surprised if notes are sent home with a gentle reminder to wear the appropriate items. There are some changes being made to the uniform for August 2018, however the compulsory uniform remains the same for next year. Please do help your child to not only feel, but also look part of the Wellington community.   And now for something silly! Silly shoes were the theme of this week’s Funky Friday and we were entertained with a fabulous array of fancy and fantastic footwear. Photos to follow…….


Don’t forget, next Friday is Lucky Green Day.   You don’t have to buy! One of the best experiences a parent can have with their child is to make something together. A cake, a jigsaw puzzle, a piece of art or a dress-up costume. I’d like to introduce you to Samuel, one of our EY4 pupils. For World Book Day, Samuel was transformed in to a Lego figure. Samuel spent time with his family making his costume and it was a collaborative effort that was great fun and a shared experience. I believe this is a wonderful way to work together to support the children at the setting and would actively encourage to others to do so – go on, take a risk and rather than buy it, make it!


Fame, flattery or foul play? During a learning walk this week, Yuki and I observed a teacher who was ‘reading’ Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? to a class of EY3 children. He was, in truth rapping the book with the children to a beat that he had created, and it was great fun. During the observation, Yuki found something rather amusing and has since informed me that I look like the teacher from the book. What do you think? I’m not so sure myself……….    

Classroom News for week beginning Monday 12th March 2018 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme My Dad My Mum Fathers play an important role in young children’s development. Clinical psychologist Dr Ditta mentioned in her article published in Psychology Today, “The way that fathers play with their children also has an important impact on a child's emotional and social development. Fathers spend a higher percentage of their one-to-one interactions with infants and pre-schoolers in stimulating, playful activity than do mothers. From these interactions, children learn how to regulate their feelings and behaviour.” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-long-reach-childhood/201106/the-importance-fathers) Next week, EY1 children will talk about their Dads. We would like to ask Dads to spend some time with our children. Dads could read a story, play a game, do some sports or watch cartoon with your children. We will talk about what your dad likes with children, we will also draw a portrait of dads. The children are going to paint a tent for outdoor play. We are going to help children understand more about the world and hopefully to support their dramatic play by talking a little bit about occupations. We are reading: 《我爸爸》、《大英雄威利》、《小黄和小蓝》、My Dad We are singing: 小白兔、我爱洗澡、春天在哪里、Finger family、Feeling the beat Special date: 16th March Funky Friday: Lucky Green Day A note from the EY1 team: Thanks for EY1 parents’ continuous support. We would like to remind you that uniform is compulsory and please make sure your children come to the setting with right clothing.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Handa’s Surprise This week we will continue to learning about the book Handa’s Surprise. We have prepared a cornucopia of fun activities based on this story. We will look at the real fruit and use pencils to sketch the outline of the fruit. In addition, we will use different colour straws to create different styles of necklaces to give our friends, because, after all, sharing is caring. Finally, we will make picture of the Africa grasslands. This story takes place in Africa so we will take this opportunity to learn more about African cultures and artistic expressions. We are reading: Pied Piper Handa’s Surprise 《一园青菜成了精》 《蔬菜汤》 《这是什么商店》 We are singing: Down in the jungle where nobody goes. The Wheel‘s on the bus 《大鳄鱼》 《彩色水果歌》 Special date: 16th March Lucky Green Day A note from the EY2 team: Please remember to let children wear the proper Wellington uniform to the center, Thank you for your effort!   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Space Part 2 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela.   Our space theme this week will give the children the opportunity to revisit their shape knowledge, as well as being introduced to different shapes. The children will be learning how to order the shapes by their differences, such as size and colour. To spark the children’s imaginative side we will also be creating solar system pictures with our shapes. Next week we will also start making our own solar system with just a balloons, thread and glue. The regular activities that the children will be involved with next week will be their music lessons, gym and library sessions (Please remember to send library books back into the setting every week). This week parent teacher conferences will be continuing, during which parents should ensure that they are on time for their meeting. We are reading: Chinese Book: 《星际穿越》、《反宇宙兔》 English Book: How to catch a star by Jill Murphy Aliens in underpants by Claire Freedman We are singing: Chinese song: 《八大行星》 Special date: March 16th ---- Lucky Green Day   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme We Are the Explorer of the World Part 2 To help children to develop a sense of ownership of our outdoor environment, they will join in creative activities with their class teachers. Children will express their wishes about the current EY4 playground and join in with designing and creating activities. EY4 children will also work out the playground rules to ensure that everyone will follow these. The children will play outside in small groups exploring the new areas and how to use the resources appropriately. We are reading: 《小海狸系列》 《爱画画的诗》 Not a stick and not a box The paper bag princess The Curious Garden - Peter Brown The Tale of Peter Rabbit – Beatrix Potter We are singing: Days of the week 《今天天气好吗? 》 双语儿歌《彩虹儿歌》 Special date: March 16 Lucky Green Day A note from EY4 team: Please remember to bring the raincoat and rain boots for your child, we would spend lots of time outdoor next week despite of the wet day. We would love it if families could help with our outdoor play area by donating some recycled materials such as-
  • Old pots, pans and kitchenware (please nothing sharp)
  • Clothes, shoes and bags that could be used for role play (adult clothes are great as they are nice and big)
  • Plastic boxes, bottles, containers, jugs, etc.
  • Recycled craft materials- egg cartons, toilet rolls, bubble wrap, fabric.
There will be a collection box in the EY4 hallway. We thank you in advance for your support.   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY1 – My Dad and My Mum. This week we continue the rhythmic chant亲属称呼歌 and learn the new song That’s My Family in English. We’ll also have a family dance party to Lovely, Love my Family by The Roots. Steady beat with wooden instruments will also be a highlight. EY2 – We’ll continue to explore the rhythms of Africa with activities inspired by the book Handa’s Surprise. The children will explore djembe drumming and other instruments from Africa we have in the classroom. The children loved the new fruit filled version 拔萝卜 last week. This week we will add the song Shake, Shake the Apple Tree and sing about our favourite fruits in English as well! EY3 – This week we’ll reach for the stars again as we sing 太阳家庭 and explore expressive movement with an excerpt from Gustav Holst’s The Planets. We’ll also sing Ring Around the Rocket Ship a space themed version of the traditional English children’s song Ring Around the Rosey. Our spring song poem, 春晓, will continue. EY4 – Feel the beat of Spring! This week we will put rhythms together with instruments to make our own rhythm ensembles. The dinosaurs will stomp through again with their exciting prehistoric songs and we will add many more creative movements as we sing together. We are singing: EY1 – 亲属称呼歌, The Finger Family, That’s My Family EY2 – 摘水果, Shake Shake the Apple Tree EY3 – 春晓, 太阳家庭, Ring Around the Rocket Ship EY4 – We Are the Dinosaurs,恐龙时代/Long Ago There Were Dinosaurs (bilingual) Special notes: Are you a musician, dancer, or creative performer? WCCBS needs you! Our children are an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, and we would love to share your talents with them as we learn about music. Grandparents, family friends, and community members are welcome too! If you have a talent you would like to share, please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn to discuss how we may be able to include you in our upcoming activities.