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The Week Ahead 20180126

26 Jan 2018
Seasonal flu its that time of the year again! Winter is here, and the influenza virus is once again active. Spread mainly through coughing and sneezing, it can cause mild to severe illness. Symptoms can often start suddenly and a child who is well one day can exhibit symptoms of flu the next day. Symptoms include:
  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (very tired)
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhoea, though this is more common in young children than in adults
*It is important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever. (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/keyfacts.htm)


Measures that can be taken to minimise the risk of cross infection include good hygiene practices (covering mouth with a ‘cough catcher’ when coughing and nose with a tissue when sneezing), effective handwashing, appropriate disinfection, adherence to guidance and policy on recovery and exclusion time (we ask children with vomiting and diarrhoea to be absent for 48 hours after the last episode) and effective communication about any confirmed diagnosis. It is important to note that many cases of ‘flu’ are indeed not flu, they are symptoms of the milder condition of a cold which, although sharing some symptoms, is caused by a different virus and is less serious. How to help: Parents can help support by maintaining open and responsible communication with the setting, ensuring that the nurse and class teacher are advised of any confirmed cases. It is, in many ways, more important that parents do not create a sense of panic by making a normal and expected situation become one of disproportionate drama. However, we all have a duty of care to our children and others’ children. We will always act on evidence when it is presented to us. Sadly, we cannot avoid those situations where a child is medicated, masking the symptoms of illness and sent to the setting. We can only hope that parents imbue the Wellington values of respect and responsibility in ensuring that they don’t allow this to happen. This is how we maintain our partnership, this is how we strengthen our community and affirm our identity.   Update on the new build
 Yesterday, Yuki and I went along to the new build with Jane and Even to see how things are progressing in our forever home. Although we still needed to wear hard hats, we were amazed at how the internal structures have come on. We now have beautiful leaf design lighting in reception, the foundation for the living wall is in place, exquisite Chinese style windows grace the entrance to the EY1 and 2 corridor, the wooden terracing is being laid with other outdoor terracing being planted. The music room has its acoustic walls, the gym has its wooden flooring, the partition doors are in the classrooms along with cupboards, store rooms and toilets. There are bathrooms and tea rooms and a clinic, and the leadership offices have blinds at the windows, such is the pace of work. I will have another site visit after Chinese New Year and will be delighted to bring the new setting to life with lots of photos. We’ve come a long way since we launched our dream on a little plastic model…………..   Classroom News for week beginning Monday 29th January 2018 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme Dear Zoo Teachers started hanging parents greeting cards up on our cherry blossom tree in our indoor garden and we hope everyone enjoys it. This week, we will review some concepts such as prepositions, animal’s pattern, animal’s sounds and the names of the animals. We will also introduce the Chinese Zodiac and a bit of Chinese New Year tradition to EY1 children. Children will be asked to talk about their Zodiac with their friends. We are going to share our favourite pets too. We are reading: 《亲爱的动物园》、《猜猜这是谁的屁股》、《细菌不是用来分享的》、Dear Zoo We are singing: 《新年好》、《健康歌》、《春雨沙沙》、《我有一头小毛驴》、《幸福拍手歌》、 How’s the weather, Hocky Pocky, If you are happy and you know it, Pat your Head, Let’s go to the Zoo and Walking in the jungle. Special date: 2nd February Bring your Pet Day A note from the EY1 team: We are going to be learning all about our family members and people who lives in the same house. We would like children to develop their language and vocabulary. We kindly ask families to bring a picture with all members of the family including helpers so children can use it as a visual to talk about it.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme We’re Going on a Bear Hunt This week, our learning will continue to be based around the story, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. We will follow our children’s interests to explore the animal world by using different materials to design the animal habitats. Furthermore, we will also use our senses to explore the world around us, For example we will do different types of “hunting” with our friends. On Friday we will have our year group “Teddy bear picnic.” We will dress up as a bear and have a picnic with our friends. It will be an exciting week. We are reading: 《大动物图书》、《我们一起去捉熊》、We’re going on a bear hunt、What time is it, Mr. Crocodile? We are singing: Ten in the bed and the little one said、5 little fish went swimming one day、Big and Small、《大狮子》、《大鳄鱼》、《许多小鱼游来了》 Special date: 2nd Feb (Friday) Teddy bear day (dress up like a bear) A note from the EY2 team: We would like ask children to continue to bring their animal books or toys for their show and tell.   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Blast Off into Space For the wise man looks into space, and he knows there is no limited dimensions Lao Tzu This week we will continue our Space adventure by talking about what astronauts need to wear to be able to go into space and then make our own accessories for our space suits. We will also talk about the similarities and differences between the Earth and the moon. Children will think about what they might need to pack for a journey into space and write lists to help them remember. We will also be making space passports ready for our launch day on Friday 2nd February! We are reading: 《冲向天空》、Whatever Next by Jill Murphy We are singing: 《水果歌》、It’s a blast! Special date: Friday 2nd February is our Launch into space day. Friday 2nd February is also Bring a Pet Day (stuffed animals only please!) A note from the EY3 team: We are asking if all children could bring a small suitcase or back pack into the setting on our Launch day.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme We Are the Explorer of the World In Monkey and Elephant class children are busy exploring dinosaurs. Sharing their dinosaur knowledge and drawing different dinasour, excavating the dinosaur fossil, talking about the features of different dinosaur and finding out the facts of the dinosaur. For the next week, they will observe the fossil closely and find out the difference and similarities to estimate what information the fossils conveys and also share their opinions and ideas with class. Children will make dinosaur dressing-up costume with their creativity in the Role Play Area. In Giraffe class, the children are continuing their exploration of the desert and the animals that live there. We have asked lots of questions and it has been great for some of the children to bring in books from home to share some of the things they have found out with their friends. We will continue to use the book, ‘The Magic School Bus: All Dried Up’ and look at how animals survive in the desert and which of the animals we find there are nocturnal. We will also find out about the effects that the rain can have on the desert environment and the animals that live there. We are reading: 儿童恐龙百科全书、《寻找沙漠绿洲》、《沙漠》 We are singing: 恐龙化石、恐龙巴士、《碰碰狐—骆驼》 A note from EY4 team: February 2  Bring a Pet Day (stuffed animals only please!)   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY1 – This week our EY1 classes will be busy learning a new traditional children’s song, do a steady beat play along with Chinese traditional music, and creative animal movements to music. The children were delighted to explore our new Chinese drums and will also review our favourite songs. EY2 – This week we will use Chinese drum music to explore the musical concepts of forte (loud) and piano (quiet). Steady beat and lots of singing will also be featured in this week’s activities, including a new traditional song“咚咚锵” which celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year. EY3 – Taichi is one of China traditional martial arts. This week the children will learn a new song with some basic Taichi movements. We’ll also review “新年好” in Chinese and English. After a very exciting introduction to Chinese traditional drums last week, we will continue to learn how to use these drums and all the amazing rhythms we create on them! EY4 – “We are dancing, we are singing, happy new year to you all!” The children will learn a new way to sing “新年好” – in a round! We’ll also review “恭喜恭喜” and dance with traditional Chinese spinning scarves to the lively sounds of our local parks and squares. We are singing: EY1 – 咚咚锵,新年好(双语) EY2 – 新年好(双语),咚咚锵,Ten in the Bed EY3 – Blue White Planet,太极歌(一),新年好(双语) EY4 – Zoom-eh-Oh,恭喜恭喜,新年好(双语) Special notes: Are you a musician, dancer, or creative performer? WCCBS needs you! Our children are an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, and we would love to share your talents with them as we learn about music. Grandparents, family friends, and community members are welcome too! If you have a talent you would like to share, please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn to discuss how we may be able to include you in our upcoming activities.