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The Week Ahead 20171208

08 Dec 2017

Winter is most certainly upon us and the weather has cooled significantly. I love this time of the year, there is a distinct change in the landscape around us and the chill in the air signals the start of preparations for the forthcoming festivities and a time for family, friends and of reflection. The festive season means different things to different people; be it about religion, spirituality, community, family, material goods or partying all night, it is unique to each individual household. Many people adore this time of year, whilst others cannot wait for it to be over. For team Szucs-Hussain, it has always been a time to immerse ourselves in family and take opportunities to wallow in comfort, recharge our batteries and simply relish the chance to just ‘be’. The opportunity to leave our laptops at our desks and focus on what feeds the soul is essential for refuelling. Sitting together talking, playing games, doing puzzles, having carpet picnics, watching movies, reading, listening to festive music, leisurely walks and cooking are the mainstays of the winter holidays for us. Being in this amazing city not only provides an abundance of activities on our doorstep but also provides plentiful opportunity for travel and exploration in and around the region.


However, the life of an expat can be challenging at this time of year, when we are away from those we love. Friends that we make overseas often become our family; indeed, there is a saying that ‘friends are the family that you can choose’ (if you’ve seen the Lego movie, you will know the song!). A sense of belonging in our new home country is important and whilst we learn to celebrate new cultures, we also acknowledge and honour our own family traditions. On Saturday, we visited Hongqiao flower market for the first time to look for a Christmas tree, which was chosen after much deliberation over shape and size (I think it took me less time to choose my wedding dress!) and on the way home, we popped in to a Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market). The market was alive with a festive buzz and we happily sipped on warm gluwein whilst adding to our collection of candles and decorations for the home. On Saturday afternoon, our home was graced with the aforementioned tree upon which we hung our family decorations, collected over the years and each with meaning to the family. Alongside the traditional British decorations, we hung our beautiful Chinese decorations together with camels from our time in the Middle East. Our tree is truly international and represents our journey as a family. Last week at the setting came to a spectacular end with the second Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai Winter Market. The hard work and dedication of the parent representatives and the parent body culminated in an astonishing event which built on the success of last year’s market. I have said and written on numerous occasions of my feeling humbled by the people around me here in Shanghai and once again, on Friday, I was overwhelmed and humbled by the efforts of those involved. The vendors provided plentiful shopping opportunities for the parents to prepare for the festive season and the event was exceptionally well attended. The pupils had the chance to go and spend some ‘money’ and we were delighted to have guests stay with us for the morning from other school. Whilst the Winter Market was an opportunity to shop, mix and mingle, the children remained at the heart of the event. I am always taken aback by how much the parents wish for the children to be involved in everything we do. Our vision is clearly shared, we want to provide inspiring experiences for the children, whether they be educational or social. Here, through the Winter Market, we were able to make it both. However, this was only possible with the help of our amazing parents. To all of those involved, I thank you most sincerely on behalf of the team here at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai. Events like this one clearly evidence our partnership and I’ll look forward to watching them grow and evolve – just think, the next Winter Market will be in our forever home!


Whilst the main event was taking place, we mustn’t forget that it was also Happy Hat day. Team Bilingual are loving Funky Fridays and whilst it may be a little embarrassing for some of us to sit through leadership meetings in our pyjamas, it is less uncomfortable to do so whilst wearing a tiara. The efforts of the families in supporting the children to participate is very much appreciated and it is thanks to Sarah Peel, wellbeing co-ordinator and marvellous music teacher that this initiative is thriving. The academic and non-academic teams are very much enjoying the opportunity to be less serious and wait with baited breath to see what is in store for next term. For now, however, we have ‘Sparkle and Shine’ day. We are, after all, early years – you can’t get through a week without a sprinkle of glitter and sparkle!   Classroom News for week beginning Monday 11th December 2017 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme From Head to Toe EY1 is learning all about winter and making some Christmas ornaments to decorate our classrooms. We will support children to make comparison between quantities through Christmas related activities. Children will still have the great opportunity to buy and sell things at our pretend supermarket role play area. We will also talk about how to read the numbers on the toy telephones. We will keep encouraging our children to use kind words and kind hands to our friends when we are playing. On the last day of this term, we will be all waring red and green to celebrate Christmas and children’s achievements through the first term. We are reading: From Head to Toe, The Birthday Box 、《从头动到脚》、《我不怕》、《我的后面是谁呀》 We are singing: 《粉刷匠》、《数鸭子》、《春雨沙沙》、《我有一头小毛驴》、《幸福拍手歌》、 How’s the weather, Jingle bells, Wheels on the bus, If you are happy and you know it Special date: 13th December: End of term performance; 15th December: Red and Green day A note from the EY1 team: 15th of December is the last half day of this term, considering children’s naptime routine, EY1 parents can come to pick up children at 12:30 o’clock. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Joseph Had A Little Overcoat Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings from the EY2 team! This week, we will have a lots activities about Christmas! For example, we will make some Christams decorations. We will also experience making snow, which we will put in our small world as well as sing Christmas songs. We will have a red and green day during the last day of this term. The importance of the red and green days are to reinforce and review key Wellington values such as kindness. We will record positive acts that our children demonstrate and think about how we can be better Wellingtonians toward each other inside as well as outside of the setting. We are reading: Joseph had a little overcoat (billingual) 、10 Little Snowflakes、Father Christmas、Christmas Story、下雪了、 我拯救了圣诞节、什么是圣诞节、贝吉獾的圣诞节 We are singing: Snowflakes、Little snowman、我们祝你圣诞快乐、Jingle bell、铃儿响叮当 Special date: 14th December : EY2 end of term assembly 15th December: red and green day (non-uniform day) A note from the EY2 team: 14th December: please let your child/ren wear winter uniform, black socks/tights and black shoes. No shiny hair bands please! Please kindly check this info with class teacher! 15th December: half day! Please come and pick up your child/ren at 12:30   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme All About Me “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” -- Joseph Addison   This week we will continue learning centered around our theme ‘All about me’ and in particular we are talking about local food and traditional festival. We will introduce the local food from different places of China, and let the Children try to make some foods with the Space Clay or different materials. We will talk about foods that we eat often, sometimes and rarely. And we will introduce the food pyramid as well. As Christmas is fast approaching, we will read the story about Christmas and Children will make some Christmas hand craft with their friends to decorate our classroom. We are reading: 《圣诞老人的王国》、《爱吃水果的牛》、Stick Man – Julia Donaldson、The Snow Angel We are singing: 铃儿响叮当、圣诞老人进城来 、Jingle Bells, Rudolph the red nose reindeer A note from the EY3 team:

  • We would like to share our singing with you on Thursday the 14th of December at 14:00pm. It would be great if you could join us as we celebrate your Child’s learning this term and the festive season together. However please be sure to one family member per child please, and welcome to take photos and videos during this assembly.
  • Christmas is a time to spend quality time with the people we love not necessarily a time for showering people with many gifts. The best gift that we can give at this time of year is that of friendship and respect. It is not necessary for the children to bring presents into the setting to share with their friends – instead we are encouraging them to be kind and helpful towards everyone that they come into contact with.
  • We would like to remind you 15 th December is the last day of this term, Transition to home time will be at 13:00pm.
  EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Me and My World To continue with our Christmas topic. We will continue to talk about the 3D shapes we see at Christmas time. Children will make some 3D Christmas crafts to decorate home. We will also continue looking at how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world and create some Christmas decorations. As a Christmas tradition, children make their own Christmas cards for friends and family. Christmas is the time to share our love to the people we care! We are reading: 《圣诞老人的王国》、《从天而降的圣诞礼物》、The night before Christmas、An Aussie night before Christmas We are singing: 圣诞歌曲、Jingle Bells、Aussie Jingle Bells Special date: December 15, 2017 - Red and Green Day (non-uniform day) December 15, 2017- Children will finish at 1pm. A note from EY4 team: Please clear out your child’s cubby as we move into the Christmas vacation so that they can be cleaned properly. 


Cordially Invites You to Our


EY1: December 13th, 2017 at 10:00 am

EY2: December 14th, 2017 at 10:00 am

EY3: December 14th, 2017 at 2:00 pm

EY4: December 13th, 2017 at 2:00 pm