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The Week Ahead 20171103

03 Nov 2017
The Week Ahead written by Even Chen and Jane Williams, curriculum co-ordinators This is the first part of a series covering all areas of learning and development promoted throughout our curriculum. Embedding key elements of Development Matters and the Chinese Curriculum (3-6 years) in to the Wellington College ethos, our curriculum promotes and supports the following areas:
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Understanding the World
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) “supports children to learn to get on with others and make friends, understand and talk about feelings, learn about 'right' and 'wrong', develop independence and ultimately feel good about themselves. Children's early PSED has a huge impact on their later wellbeing, learning achievement and economic success too”. (https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/childcare-professionals/early-years-foundation-stage-eyfs/personal-social-and-emotional-development-in-the-eyfs#personal)


  Personal, Social and Emotional Development includes:

  • Making relationships - children develop their ability to play cooperatively and take turns, show sensitivity to others’ feelings and form positive relationships.
  • Self-confidence and self-awareness – children show confidence to try new activities, to speak in a familiar group and share ideas.
  • Managing feelings and behaviour – children can talk about their behaviour, expected behaviour and understand that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group and can adjust their behaviour to different situations and changes in routine.
The PSED element of the curriculum is important in making children feel secure. There are certain factors that are known to support children’s development in this area:
  • Routines reduce anxiety and allows children to know what will happen during the day. This is reassuring and helps children feel secure.
  • Feelings and how to deal with them: children will require support in dealing with their feelings and how to respond to their friends. Adults can support by modelling expected behaviour and talking about feelings.
  • Encouraging independence as soon as children are ready. To help children become independent, adults must allow them to make choices.
The PSED curriculum promotes the following skills:
  • Following rules, routines, and directions
  • Identifying feelings in oneself and others
  • Controlling anger and impulses
  • Problem solving
  • Sharing and taking turns
  • Helping adults and peers
  • Giving compliments, understanding how and when to apologise, and expressing empathy with others' feelings
The curriculum also supports children to develop readiness for future learning in the following ways:
  • Confidence in participating in child-directed play
  • Curiosity and interest in the world around them
  • Intentionality and being able to take the initiative in activities
  • Self-control and being able to sit calmly and listen to a story
  • Relatedness in showing concern for a hurt or upset friend
  • Capacity to communicate to work through conflict with peers
  • Cooperativeness in participating fully in a group activity
( http://childrensacademyonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Importance-of-SEL-In-Early-Childhood-Devt.pdf)   How to support your child’s personal, social and emotional development From 12 to 15 months:
  • Praise and encourage your child for doing things independently
  • Provide your child with big boxes, blocks, crayons and paper to play with
  • Provide your child with love and attention
From 16 to 18 months:
  • Let your child help with everyday tasks
  • Encourage your child to explore, make decisions, and attempt challenging projects
  • Provide opportunities for your child to play with other children
From 19 to 24 months
  • Play games with them, and use objects symbolically in play, playing house is a good example
  • Enjoy singing, clapping, and dancing together
  • Play games that encourage the child to imitate you
From 24 to 36 months:
  • Allow your child to pick their clothes and dress themselves
  • Teach and talk to your child about their feelings, acknowledge them, e.g. “I see you’re mad”
  • Listen and talk with your child, move your body down to their level, making eye contact
From 3 years:
  • Play in small groups so you can help your child through conflicts
  • Play board games that take turns
  • Read books about different feelings
  • Set up pretend play that provides language and examples on how to play with other children
  • Have them help around the house (clean up toys, take the clothes out of the dryer, help carry items)
  • Give them choices about things they can do or have
From 4 years and 5 years:
  • Provide opportunities to play outside with others but keep a watchful eye
  • Have your child tell you about a book they read and ask them questions about the book
  • Take your child to the park, museums, or the library to engage with others
  • Encourage your child to make decisions
  • Have your child help with chores (setting the table, pick up the toys, help cook) SOURCE: Landy, S. (2002). Pathways to Competence: Encouraging Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
A little advice for parents:

  • To give your child choices, let them make decisions about what to play, read or eat (giving them a choice of healthy snacks). This helps them feel in control and will make them more compliant.
  • Praise and give verbal encouragement when they do something. Make the praise specific to things they have done. Instead of saying, “Great job” say, “It is wonderful how you waited for your friend to be done with the toy before you played with it.”
  • Take a positive approach instead of a negative approach (i.e., “Please stay on the sidewalk” instead of “Don’t walk on the grass”).
  • Recognise your child’s feelings and let them know you understand their feelings and help them calm down and regain control (for example, “I know you want to play with Sarah’s doll, but hitting her is not a good choice”).
  • Initiate games of sharing and taking turns.
  • Anticipate behaviour and know your child’s cues. You want to talk to the child before they reach a high level of frustration and help them resolve their frustrations.
  • Demonstrate the skill as you explain what you are doing and give the child words to solve the conflict through actions and/or words. “Oh, I need a blue crayon, can I use that blue crayon after you?” “Why don’t you ask her if you can help build the rocket ship?”
  The six-step approach to problem solving and resolving emotional issues:

  1. Support your child is stating the problem (“I can see that you are mad about this”).
  2. Ask them to describe what is happening then restate the problem (remind the child of safety rules).
  3. Help your child to think of ways that may solve the problem. “How could you solve this problem?” (give suggestions if necessary).
  4. Discuss how the ideas might work. Discuss scenarios and solutions “What if…?” “How about…?”
  5. Have your child agree on what they think is fair. “Does that sound good to you?”
  6. Help your child try out the idea. Step back and watch how they interact.
  7. Review the idea to see how it worked. Do they need further modelling? Give encouragement with specific examples. “You were able to play together as you shared they toys and listened to each other. Are you having fun throwing the ball to each other?” (http://ecdc.syr.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/BulletinSocialEmotionalDevelopment2.pdf)
  Recommended reading to support personal, social and emotional development: 0 – 3 years: 《我好生气》、《我不想生气》、《生气汤》《How Are You Feeling Today》 《小猫头鹰》《Owl Babies》、《一口袋的吻》、《妈妈心,妈妈树》 3-5 years: 《我变成一只喷火龙》、《菲菲生气了》,《When Sophie Gets Angry》、《生气的阿瑟》,《Angry Arthur》、《猜猜我有多爱你》,《Guess How Much I Love You》 《阿文的小毯子》、《我妈妈上班去了》、《爸爸去哪儿》、《外婆住在香水树》、《外公》、《父亲和女儿》、《小鲁德池塘》 5+ years 《卡夫卡变虫记》、《野兽国》、《亚历山大和倒霉、烦人、一点都不好、糟糕的一天》 《How to catch a star》,《Lost and found》,《Melrose and Croc: Friends for life》,《Bug and Bear》,《Boris goes camping》,《Big Bear, Little Brother》,《Brown Rabbit in the City》《Me and My Cat》《Blue Chameleon》 《开心小猪和大象哥哥》系列绘本、《大家教给我的》、《我喜欢你》、《最好的朋友》、《我会沟通》、《单独在一起》 

  Classroom News for week beginning Monday 6th November 2017
EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme From Head to Toe EY1 children are going to explore autumn this week. We are going to pick up autumn leaves on the playground and use those leaves to make beautiful crafts. Children will talk about the temperature they feel and the clothes they wear in autumn. Since we don’t want to hide in the classroom when it is raining, we are going to enjoy rainy days in this season. We will touch a little bit language about the weather such as rain, cloud and sunny through books and art activities. We will keep encouraging children to grow independence by pulling up their pants and putting shoes by themselves. We are reading: From Head to Toe、《我会数一数》、《七彩下雨天》、《阿立会穿裤子啦》 We are singing: Pat your head, If you are happy and you know it, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, 春雨沙沙、找朋友、手指谣、一同去郊游 A note from the EY1 team: 10th Nov- 13th Nov holidays   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Joseph Had A Little Overcoat This week we will talk about the concept of opposites and directions. We’ll talk about different directions through sports games and play. We will also let children understand the meaning of the opposites. For opposites we are looking at big and small using Russian dolls. The children will look at the different sized dolls, discuss whether they are big or small and then place them in size order. We are reading: 好大声的一本书、小小的和大大的、Joseph had a little overcoat We are singing: 约瑟夫有件旧外套、如果感到开心你就拍拍手、Joseph had a little overcoat、If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands、Big and small A note from the EY2 team: In order to support the themes activities, parents please continue to bring clean boxes, plastic bottles, bottles tops, toilet roll tubes etc you no longer need at home. We will let the children use their imagination to make something new.   EY3 – Charlotte writes about the theme All About Me “To do chores as part of your daily routine, as doing chores nourishes both your physical and mental well-being” – Zeng Guofan (Qing Dynasty). This week we will continue to explore five senses. The children will smell different ingredients and explain what they smell like to their peers. The children will be divided into groups and try to find different items in the setting with their eyes, and they will make a sensory road in the classroom with all kinds of materials. We will be exploring sounds both loud and quiet, exploring foods using our taste buds and investigating light and colour. We are reading: 《咬人的家用电器》、《超级妈妈》、《亲爱的动物园》、《听听声音怎么说》、My 5 senses by Aliki We are singing: 《喝水歌》、《世上只有妈妈好》、《刷牙歌》、Sing a song of senses A note from the EY3 team: We will be asking the setting’s caterers Aden, to provide a sweet fruit and a sour fruit for the children’s regular snack on the day of food tasting. No additional food or food from outside of the setting will be given to the children.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Me and My World We will continue our discussion about five senses taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. We will explore with our 5 sense to explore the different things in the environment inside and outside. We will learn to use describing words about what we feel with our 5 senses. We are reading: 《神奇校车-探访感受器官》、《听觉的秘密》、《味觉的秘密》、《触觉的秘密》、My 5 senses、The listening walk、Too purpley We are singing: The senses song 、五种感觉 A note from EY4 team: Nov.10-Nov13 Holiday   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY1 – “Can you do it? I can do it!” Eric Carle’s delightful story Head to Toe comes alive when we sing it together.  The children will also explore creative movement to music as they pretend to be some of the animals in the story, and keep a steady beat with instruments to excerpts from The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens.  Preparations for our end of term Christmas activities will also begin this week. EY2 – Joseph had a little overcoat, a jacket, a vest, a scarf, a necktie… we’ll continue to add verses to the song this week, following the book the children are exploring in class. Klezmer music will also be highlighted during instrument play along and movement activities this week. EY3 – The children are exploring their senses and the music room is the perfect place to play with hearing, sight, and touch. We’ll do focused listening activities that highlight pitch and timbre this week, dance with scarves so we can see music, and continue our songs about living healthy.  A new Shanghainese rhyming rhythm will also be a highlight.  Preparations for our end of term Christmas activities will also begin this week. EY4 – Our senses are a vital part of how we make and experience music! We’ll sing Chinese song, 五官歌, continue focused listening activities that highlight pitch and timbre, and dance with scarves so we can see music in action. The children will continue singing their favourite song, “Hello to All the Children of the World” and preparations for Christmas and an end of term performance will also begin this week. We are reading: EY 1 – Head to Toe, by Eric Carle EY 2 - Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, by Simms Tabak We are singing: EY1 – 头肩膀膝盖脚;Head to Toe Song EY2 – 不浪费; I Had a Little Overcoat EY3 – 我的脸手指律动(二);I See You;笃笃笃,卖糖粥 EY4 – Hello to All the Children of the World,五官歌 Special dates: Reminder! Every week we will join together to sing and share the songs we have been learning. Please be sure your child arrives in time to participate in this very special year group activity. EY 1 – Tuesdays 8:30 – 9:00 in the Garden Space, Building C EY 2 – Wednesdays 8:30 – 9:00 in the Library, Building B EY 3 – Thursdays 8:30 – 9:00, in the Gym, Building C EY 4 – Fridays 8:30 – 9:00, in the Gym, Building C A note from the Music team: Are you a musician, dancer, or creative performer? WCCBS needs you! Our children are an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, and we would love to share your talents with them as we learn about music.  Grandparents, family friends, and community members are welcome too!  If you have a talent you would like to share, please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn to discuss how we may be able to include you in our upcoming activities.