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The Week Ahead 20170825

25 Aug 2017
We are back in the swing of things! Welcome back to our Wellington College families! We have had a spectacular start to the term and are exceptionally proud of the pupils for making the transition from home to the setting so smoothly. There has been a general atmosphere of calm, trust and overall happiness which is testament to the partnerships we have formed. For both Yuki and I, the atmosphere here at Bilingual provides fuel and energy; it feeds our desire to do everything that we can to lead the teams as we strive for excellence, providing an education that not only meets, but exceeds the expectations of our families. Here’s to an amazing year ahead – as we steamroll towards the move to our permanent build, there is much to do……….what an exciting time to come!   Hello from the teaching teams We have an amazing team of dedicated early years’ educators here at the setting and I’m sure that all families have had plentiful opportunity to talk through their child’s needs and their hopes for the year ahead. Likewise, the teachers will have outlined their expectations upon which our partnership is based – to be successful requires commitment on both parts. Supporting Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai, we are very lucky to have additional members of the team who are with us temporarily, but who make a significant contribution to the learning opportunities for the pupils. This term, Connor Williams (digital learning intern) continues his internship. Connor works under the guidance of Natasha Cunning (Digital Learning Co-ordinator) to promote the use of IT throughout the setting. Connor is here until January after which time he will head off to Australia to start his University education. Brandy Cai (EY4 Elephant) will work alongside Emily Gu and Cathy Sun (EY4 Giraffe) will work alongside Scarlett Xi to support the delivery of the curriculum whilst also undertaking their University degrees. Both have their certificate of Kindergarten Teacher qualification and are extending their higher education. Brandy is completing her Major in Digital Media and Art whilst supporting her love of early years’ education. Cathy is in the final year of her studies, majoring in Preschool Education.   Oscar Chambers (Wellington College UK) joined us this month to work across EY3 and 4 promoting language. Hosting an old Wellingtonian like Oscar provides an opportunity for us to not only showcase the product of a Wellington education but also affords an opportunity for Oscar to achieve something meaningful to him. Oscar has joined us for four months of his gap year before starting his degree in Chinese Studies at Durham University in September 2018. Oscar writes, “As an Old Wellingtonian – I believe, to a great extent, that I bear a certain responsibility to give back to the community that has helped me achieve so much. Having come from a mixed-race background myself; I have a vested interest in Bilingual Education. This interest also stems from my experiences in the Chinese schooling system and British system – these experiences have led me to understand the significance of cultural integration. I am a keen sportsman and budding chef. Therefore, I am constantly pushing myself to excel and innovate beyond what is expected of me, making the most of every opportunity presented to me (as well as seeking new experiences and opportunities). I am infinitely grateful for the experience offered to me here at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and I aim to make every day count. Steffen Eichorn completes the team for 2017-18. Steffen will work across EY3 and EY4 with Nikki Street whilst undertaking School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT). Robin and Giraffe pupils will see Steffen on English days in class and are already experiencing the benefit of having him in the class, as he supports their learning and development with the other members of the team. Steffen completed his Bachelor degree at the Friedrich Schiller University of Leipzig (Germany) in Chinese Science and Cultural Studies. Graduating in 2009, he was offered the opportunity to work for the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai China. After returning to Leipzig and Berlin respectively to continue studying for his Master degree, Steffen found his way back to Shanghai to further study at the Tongji University. Steffen is now entering the exciting phase of undertaking a PGCEi degree with Wellington College China and its UK partner. Steffen is very much looking forward to this new challenge and I’m sure he will make a positive contribution to the Wellington community.   The importance of communication To maintain the success of the setting, we must ask once again that our parents and families continue to communicate openly with us here at the setting. Communication is very much a two-way process and we make every effort to communicate to families through:
  • The Wellington Weekly
  • The Week Ahead
  • Themed Newsletter
  • Parent Representatives
  • The Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai Website
  • Social media – WeChat
  • Tapestry and reports
  • Parent / Practitioner meetings
  • Information emails via iSAMS
  • Daily communication at drop off and pick up
  However, for communication to be effective we do require that the opportunities for engaging are taken when they arise. Please do read information, speak to the team and listen to those from whom you require advice and guidance.   Classroom News for week beginning 28th August 2017 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Welcome to Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and to the first stage of our education journey together! EY1 pupils will be supported to start their journey by our teaching teams with lots of songs and activities. We will introduce the children to a world of colours through the story of ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?’ Songs about colours will be used to embed language. Activities using bubbles, ice, water and sand will encourage the pupils to explore different concepts and ideas. We are reading: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? In both Chinese and English and xiao Bo qu shangxue (Spot goes to school). We are singing: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see; the sit down song, circle song, If you’re happy and you know it, Good Morning song and the finger song. A note from the EY1 team: Please ensure that you label ALL items brought in to the setting with your child’s name.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme 10 little fingers, 10 little toes Welcome back to Wellington and on behalf of all the teachers, welcome to EY2! This term will be the start of a wonderful experience for your child to develop a broader range of knowledge and stronger connections with peers as well as members of the teaching staff. During the first week, we will focus on helping your child to settle in and familiarise him or herself with the setting. For example, we will talk about the rules in the setting, how to properly use toys and other items as well as how to properly interact with others. We ask that parents be patient throughout this process as children will need an adequate amount of time to readjust and warmth and encouragement are the keys to make this a quick transition period. This week, we will learn about parts of the body (e.g. eyes, nose, head etc.). We will introduce ourselves to our friends. We will also use playdough to create facial expressions. Children will also have the opportunity to make clothes for paper dolls and animals. Finally, children will have the opportunity to trace around and decorate outlines of their bodies. We are reading: Ten little fingers & ten little toes; Face, Face, all kinds of faces; Wo men shen ti li de dong; Wo Mama; Wo Baba; Wo shenti li de dong; Wo de shen ti zhe shi shen me We are singing: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes; Row Row Row your boat; Liang zhi lao hu; Wo de hao Ma Ma; Hello Song; Animal finger song. We will also ask children to decide which songs they liked best last term and we will sing those songs. A note from the EY2 team: Please don’t forget to bring your child’s water bottle, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent and indoor shoes every day to the setting. EY3 – Even Chen (on behalf of Nicole Liu) writes about the theme All About Me “Every day in a hundred small ways our children ask, ‘Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter?’ Their behaviour often reflects our response. – L.R. Knost The EY3 team would like to welcome all new and returning families to this amazing community that we have here at Wellington Bilingual. We are all extremely excited about what this year has installed for us, and how your child’s learning journey will be influenced by this. For the first two weeks of this term EY3 will be learning about their new environments, such as the construction area, math corner and reading areas. This will help the children to settle into their new classrooms, develop an understanding of the class routines and expectations. To help achieve these goals we will be playing games such as ‘who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?’ ‘guess who I am?’ alongside line up leaders and learning new routine-related songs and stories. In Chinese activities, we will let children to discuss some classroom rules such as how to play in different areas, when you are playing with someone how to use the right and polite way to communicate with peers or adults. We also will encourage children to be independent, they should put their shoes and cloth by themselves, put their backpacks away by themselves. Hope parents also do it at home. We will be reading: 大卫不可以, 魔法亲亲, 我爱幼儿园, 三只熊和金发女孩, 没有做不到的事, How do dinosaurs go to school? – Jane Yolen & Mark Teague, Sharing a Shell – Julia Donaldson & Lydia Monks We will be singing: 问早歌, 天气歌, 日历歌, 再见歌, Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? plus individual class routine songs. A note from the EY3 team: Please don’t forget to bring your child’s water bottle, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent and indoor shoes every day to the setting.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Me and My World This week, we will very much focus on the routines of the classroom and getting familiar with our new friends and the way EY4 works. We will discuss morning and afternoon routines, to make sure that the children are happy and settled. The EY4 teams will be encouraging the children to develop their organisational skills and supporting them to use their lockers each day. The children will be getting to know each other through various activities in the classroom, so that they can become comfortable with their new EY4 families. Making good choices will be encouraged, affording the children the opportunity to consider consequences for actions and to think before they act. Name craft, I like / my favourites, choosing and using resources will all add to a fun-packed and busy week for the children. We are reading: David goes to school; How do dinosaurs go to school, 《不,不行》,《天哪!如果》,《上学我会守纪律》 We are singing: Hello, how are you?; Heads, shoulders, knees and toes; 问早歌 A note from the EY4 team: Please don’t forget to bring your child’s water bottle, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent and indoor shoes every day to the setting.   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space It’s time to make a joyful noise! This week we will start our first music and movement activities with the children. We will explore steady beat, play along with music, sing songs, explore our lovely new space……..it’s going to be VERY exciting! In EY1, we will hold on introducing stories, rather have lots of play-alongs and singing, with special focus on ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around and 三只熊. EY2 will read 发热的手指 and sing ‘Head and Shoulders 123’ and 手指律动. EY3 will read 妈妈不知道我的名字 and sing ‘All by Myself’ and 我的身体 and EY4 will read Mortimer! By Robert Munsch and will be singing ‘I like to Play the Sticks’ and 我的房子我的家. Key concepts for the week are:
  • EY1 – stop and go!
  • EY2 – body percussion
  • EY3 – body percussion, rhythm & steady beat
  • EY4 – volume (learning vocal control): forte & piano (loud & quiet), crescendo & decrescendo (getting louder & getting quieter)