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The Week Ahead 20170104

29 Mar 2017

A very warm welcome back to our Wellington family - we missed you! I trust you have had a very restful break and 2017 has brought with it renewed energy for the journey ahead. We are back in to the full swing of life here at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and have a term packed with events for both the children and the adults of our community.
Chinese New Year
The Christmas decorations are down and the beautiful red Chinese New Year decorations are starting to adorn the setting. More information regarding the pupil performances will be sent out to parents in the very near future – please ensure you save the dates:
Thursday 19th January 09:30 - EY1
Thursday 19th January 14:30 - EY3
Friday 20th January 09:30 - EY2
Additions to our Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai Team
We are delighted to have three interns join us this week. Eleanor is here for a short-term internship to gain experience in early years and Yasmin and Dalia join us from St Paul’s Girls School, London for a three-month internship to support our young Wellingtonians in language development. The interns will be supporting all year levels, as well as gaining experience with the Marketing and Admissions team. I’m sure that you will see them around the setting and will make them feel very welcome.
Introducing Wellington College China’s new-look website
www.wellingtoncollege.cn has been redesigned to reflect the growing Wellington College China family and over the coming weeks, the content for the bilingual setting will be updated. The website is very eye-catching, modern in its visual appeal and importantly, is easy to navigate. There are links to each College and the Wellington Academy, so that the reader can easily find the information being sought. The Board of Governors and Central Office for Wellington College China are also introduced, affording readers the opportunity to appreciate the importance placed on ensuring the professional governance and quality assurance of the Wellington College China schools as we strive for excellence in education provision for our pupils. What’s going on for our wonderful Wellingtonians during the week beginning 9th January 2017?
EY1 (theme – All About Me)
The EY1 children will be asking, who is in my family and who takes care of me at home? The making of a family apple tree will help to identify family members whilst the children use their handprints to make their own unique piece of art. Work will also start on a family book, a project which will run throughout the theme and the children will be considering ‘what do I look like?’ before painting their first portrait – be prepared to be amazed! The songs of ‘one little finger’ and ‘two little eyes’ along with the book My Mom (Anthony Browne) will support the theme and during circle time, the children will be making sure they know what to do when they sneeze and cough, reinforcing good self-care practices. Healthy children make happy learners!
EY2 (theme – Dinosaurs)
Do you know your dinosaurs? Can you name their body parts? Do you know where dinosaurs come from? Can you make a dinosaur zoo? The EY2 children will be making papier mâché eggs and investigating the features of specific dinosaurs with comparing and sorting activities. The dinosaur feeding game will help children understand the different diets of herbivores and carnivores whilst supporting the development of fine motor skills. Macaroni dinosaur skeletons (made by the children, of course) will help them learn about fossils whilst appreciating that the world of dinosaurs is in the past. Rawdy-Saurus is on hand to help the children with good manners and positive behaviour and he will be helping sing ‘5 little dinosaurs’ and ‘T-Rex stomps around the earth’. Stories to support the theme include Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs (Bryan Barton), Dinosaurumpus (Tony Mitton) and Dinosaur Bones (Bob Barner). With so much fun planned, we can guarantee that the EY2s are in for a roaring time……..
EY3 (theme – Pirates)
EY3 continue to busy themselves making their pirate ships with the addition of specific features to the hull (masts and flags, the steering wheel, the plank – I wonder who will be made to walk it first?). To make sure that our EY3s are getting in to the spirit of pirate life, they will be learning how to talk like a pirate (does this make them trilingual?) – be prepared for them to practice at home, me hearties! The children will also be exploring and discussing the concept of sinking and floating and they will be experimenting with various objects and choosing materials to answer the question, ‘what makes a good boat?’. Specifically, in Chinese, the focus in maths will be on counting and paying for items with coins and in literacy, the focus will be in making stories using story dice. The EY3 pirates will be singing ‘We are pirates’ and ‘Portside pirates’ whilst the stories of My Granny is a Pirate (Val McDermid) and How I Became a Pirate (Melinda Long) will support the theme.
A marrrrrrvellous time to be had by all!
Tick tock……race against the clock
A kind reminder that we would love to see our Wellingtonians arrive for an 08:30 start so that they don’t miss out on valuable learning opportunities. We appreciate your help in getting the children on site early, so that we can maximise the impact of the curricular themes and support their individual development.