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We Are One Year Old

27 Feb 2017

We are 1.

Since moving to China in 2015, there are certain dates that are imprinted on my heart and mind, dates which will live with me for the rest of my life. Dates are important; they are usually associated with strong memories, good and bad times, deep emotions and conversations that make a permanent mark on your heart.
28th October 2015: The signing ceremony between New Bund and Wellington College UK. A team of enthusiastic educators and marketers met the media and for the first time, launched Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai to the Chinese public. With nothing more than a small model of the setting and a broad smile, we sold our dream to the Shanghai community. My lasting memory – looking to Stephen Crouch (Group Finance and Operations Director for Wellington College) and the team around me and feeling an overwhelming sense of camaraderie. 29th January 2016: The resources arrived! Toys, furniture, books, arts and crafts materials, dressing up clothes, paper, you name it – I’ve never seen so many boxes in one space. A team of five; Yuki Gong, Zoey Zhang, Jane Williams, Natasha Cunning and myself (I remember Even Chen and Mr Li joined us at some point) set about the task of unpacking, sorting, categorising and moving the resources to where they needed to be. My lasting memory (one that I’m reminded of more than I’d like) – telling the team that is would only take a few hours. It took a few days……..long, tiring, perplexing days. 15th February 2016: A team of founding academic and non-academic staff came together as a group for the first time. “We have ten days to get ready”, I remember telling them. Off they went to their designated rooms and worked enthusiastically and collaboratively until we were ready. I’m proud to say that the founding team are still here with me (we lost only one along the way!) and that team has grown remarkably, not only in size, but also in spirit. My lasting memory – the raw emotion when, after 10 days, the team had achieved what they set out to achieve. Astonishing! 29th February 2016: The Grand Opening of Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai. What can I say about this day that truly reflects the occasion? It was a culmination of all our combined efforts and it seemed fitting that the event took place on a date that only comes around every four years; it’s true that magical things don’t happen too often. Members of the press, our founding families and the founding team gathered to officially open the setting. My lasting memory - the sense of anticipation of things to come was palpable. It must be said that every morning, when I walk through the doors of the setting, I have the same sense of anticipation – working in Early Years is never predictable, that’s for sure! 18th April 2016: Julian Thomas (Master, Wellington College) visited the setting. After a tour of the learning spaces and an opportunity to meet the founding families, Julian planted a gingko biloba tree in the garden. The gingko tree is a symbol of our partnership and we will be able to watch it grow and flourish (just like our Wellingtonians) year upon year. This event meant so very much to the bilingual team as it confirmed the collaboration between Wellington College UK and China and demonstrated the true relationship between us. My lasting memory – being photographed with the Masters of Wellington College UK and Wellington College International Shanghai and feeling a real sense of belonging.
8th June 2016: 100 Days of Friendship and the first time that the pupils sang for their families in the languages of English and Chinese. We were delighted to host Helen Kavanagh (International Business Director for Wellington College) and Iain Henderson (Deputy Head, Educational Developments and Partnerships, Wellington College) as they joined us to celebrate with our Wellington College families. The looks of astonishments on the faces of the parents and the guests reflected the efforts of the team and the progress of the children. My lasting memory – being surrounded by happiness, surrounded by ‘our’ Wellington family and surrounded by respected peers who were delighted to share in the moment. 22nd August 2016: We grew! From 68 founding families to 214 in less than six months, Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai more than tripled in size. With a larger team to support the pupils and families, the setting was alive with the sounds of young learners who filled every corner of the setting with joy and enthusiasm. My lasting memory – looking at Yuki and the bilingual team and simply thinking ‘we did this, we did this together’. 28th February 2017: Our first birthday (because there is no 29th February this year). What a journey; such wonderful memories to last a lifetime. My one lasting memory from a year gone by – how quickly dreams can come true when you have amazing direction and support as I do from Wellington College China. From the Board of Governors, Central Office to the Leadership, operations and teaching teams at the setting, I wonder what the next year will bring…………We are one; one community, one family, one year old. We are Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai.