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The Week Ahead 2016035

27 Sep 2016

What a week! The Academy programme has started with great success; we’ve had ballerinas, language learners, singers and active movers throughout the setting and I’m delighted at how well the pupils have dealt with further changes to their lives. The focus for this week is on the Wellington Values. Whilst we all hold values that are very personal to us as individuals, I truly believe that our shared and strong belief in the Wellington Values is one of the main reasons that parents choose to join our family. These values are not mere words to which we pay lip-service; they run through everything that we do, who we are, how we think and how we conduct ourselves. They also form the very basis of what we expect in others; from the academic and non-academic teams, the pupils in each and every classroom, their immediate and extended families and any external visitors to the setting. This is not a one-way process – we cannot develop these values in the pupils if they are not supported once they leave the setting. This is why our partnership, collaboration and shared mindset is so important. As we are now in to the fourth week of the term, I think it is timely to revisit what our Wellington Values are and what our collective commitment to the values is. I have witnessed much since we welcomed our new and returning families and I’d like to share some of this with you in the hope that our partnership is strengthened and we all work together for the benefit of the pupils and the wider Wellington family. I ask you, as our partners to consider the questions throughout this Week Ahead as I think they provide food for thought for all of us. The Wellington Values come alive! Words are great for those who can read and as adults you’ll see posters around the setting outlining our commitment to the values. For those who are still learning and cannot yet read, visual association and recognition is vital. What better way to promote the values amongst young learners than to design something that they can relate to? I’d like express my sincerest thanks to Jackie Saha (Marketing and Admissions Manager) who led on this venture and found us the very best designer who brought our ideas to life. Jackie provides exceptional creative input within the setting and the results are phenomenal – THANK YOU! Over the coming weeks, you will see our newly designed artwork start to decorate the walls, noticeboards and staircases. They’re simple, bold in colour, child-focused and have great visual impact. We will have stickers made to represent the values and pupils will be decorated with these stickers when they exhibit appropriate behaviour and conduct. This is important to us – we ask for your support in ensuring understanding of what the values stand for. This is not, however a competition! Children need time to understand the meaning of the values and we will support understanding without any unnecessary pressure. Again, we ask for your support; what children see, hear and experience throughout their formative years is crucial to their understanding of the world around them. Courage Definition: The ability to confront fear and uncertainty, to take calculated risks in the pursuit of goodness. We will operate with the utmost courage to confront behaviours and actions which we deem to be inappropriate to the pupils, families and staff within the setting. We strive to ensure that every member of the Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai community feels safe and secure with an overwhelming sense of belonging. Ask yourself this question: if you saw someone taking photos when they are not supposed to – would you ask them to stop? Integrity Definition: Consistency and authenticity, acting in consort with one’s beliefs. We will act with authenticity and consistency in every aspect of our practice. We celebrate diversity amongst our community and actively promote equality; equality within our conduct towards others, equality in access to service and assistance. Integrity is the core pillar of Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and runs through the very DNA of who we are. Ask yourself this question: if you are unhappy about something in the setting, do you talk to the teacher, or do you take to social media? Kindness Definition: Showing consideration for others and acting selflessly for their benefit. We will show consideration in all that we do for members of the Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and wider communities. Our actions and motives will be selfless and for the benefit of others, imbuing the vision of the setting. Spoken words will be inoffensive to those within the setting and the language used (both verbal and non-verbal) will uphold this value. Ask yourself this question: Do you hold the door open for the person behind you? Respect Definition: Positive feelings of esteem for a person, group, entity or quality resulting in acting with fairness. We will use language and actions which are appropriate to the pupils, families and staff within the setting. We will be courteous and professional at all times creating an atmosphere of positivity throughout the setting. We will act in fairness in everything that we do and towards everyone at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai. Ask yourself this question: Do you treat and speak to everyone the same, no matter who they are and what position they hold? Responsibility Definition: Being reliable, dependable and accountable for one’s conduct. We will be reliable and dependable through our professional practice. We will be accountable in all that we do, taking responsibility for our behaviour, actions and conduct at all times. We serve the Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai community to the best of our professional ability and will continually strive to improve where necessary. Ask yourself this question: Do you tidy up after your child or encourage them to do for themselves? At times Yuki, Jane and I feel that we are the Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai police and it can be a lonely job! I ask that whomever is responsible for collecting your child encourages them to have respect for the setting, the resources and supports them to take responsibility. A gentle reminder: Please try and have your young Wellingtonian on site before 08:30 as they’re missing out on valuable learning opportunities. Remember that research guides us: 

  • bed before 19:00
  • up by 07:00
  • eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast
  • get washed and dressed and out of the door ready for a day of exploring and fun
    We know that a body’s peak growth is during sleep and young bodies and minds need lots of rest. Young children need 12-14 hours of sleep per day. A well-established routine once you leave the setting will benefit your child (and you as a parent) significantly. Tired children are grumpy and emotional children who often present with challenging behaviour and don’t wish to participate in activities. We want our pupils to be active learners who relish the opportunities throughout the setting. If you’re struggling to get your little learner in to a good routine, please come and chat to the team. Over the years, we’ve helped lots of families to put routines in place and the results are visible in every aspect of life. Parent Information Session: The next session will be held by Nikki Street (EY3 English teacher) on Tuesday 27th September and will explore Wellbeing.