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The Week Ahead 20160629

04 Jul 2016


I can’t believe that the term is over and the children are heading off for their summer break. Such a lot has happened since we opened in March that it is hard to pick the best bits of the year. Watching the children grow every day into confident young learners is certainly the highlight of our days here at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai and the reason why we made the decision to become educators in Early Years. Forging partnerships with our parents was a key focus for all of us and I feel that, upon reflection, we have succeeded. I am proud to say that we are more than a community, we are a family; partners and friends. We have had some wonderful events this term, with distinguished visitors and guest; thus further cementing the partnership between Wellington College in the UK and here in China. Only last week, we had five pupils from Wellington College visit the setting to work alongside our own Wellingtonians. The pupils helped to produce artwork based on the Wellington Values which are now on display; they read together, played, discovered and had a fabulous time spending time together. Whilst this was happening, I was fortunate to be in the UK visiting Crowthorne. I was overwhelmed at the gracious hospitality afforded me by the team at Wellington College. I spent two days at the College itself, one day at Eagle House and two days at the Education Festival, listening to some of the most globally eminent speakers in early Years education. Wellington College is absolutely stunning and even as a Brit, I was completely staggered by its beauty. Yet, Wellington College is much more than a physical building; it is a culture, an educational ethos, a belief. It is a gathering of like-minded people, a shared mindset, a vision, a support network; it truly is a family, our family. As the week came to a close, the resounding impression held was that we are Wellington, we are matching and mirroring that culture here in Shanghai; I believe we have got it right here at Bilingual and I’m proud to be leading the setting forward as we continue on our evolutionary journey.


The children celebrated the end of term with non-uniform day. Lots of singing, games, fun and play set the tone for our last day. Friendships were celebrated and happiness, laughter and singing filled the setting.


Singing will form a BIG part of our lives next Academic Year with the children singing every day, together in their year groups. We want singing to become such a natural habit to the children that we can ‘perform’ as and when we wish without the stress and nerves of a planned performance. Parents will then be invited in to the setting at the each month for a very informal assembly. We will talk about the theme topics covered, the books read and the songs that we have learned. The children will then sing those songs in Chinese and English, demonstrating language acquisition and learning.


We sadly say a fond farewell to Polly Lu this term and wish her well for her future. 

See you in August 2016

Enjoy the summer and all that it brings – have adventures, explore new places and make memories!