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The Week Ahead 20180330

30 Mar 2018
A week of feedback and fond farewells The annual review report was a welcome arrival this week and team bilingual were delighted at the content. There were a small number of recommendations which aligned wonderfully with our academic development plan for 2018-19 – reinforcing that great minds think alike! Here is a summary of the comments:   Main findings
  • The setting is breaking new ground as it implements a distinct approach to bilingual education for early years children
  • The setting captures the spirit of quality early years education
  Vision, mission and ethos
  • The vibrant learning environment created for pupils inspires children to explore their world
  • Parents report that the setting holds an educational philosophy that matches expectations for their child
  • Internationalism and interculturalism are promoted successfully through a thematic curriculum
  • The Wellington values are embedded and are a strength
  Academic and other achievements:
  • Pupils thrive within a vibrant and stimulating learning environment which successfully generates good progress and attainment
  • Creativity is well developed with many examples of high quality artistic exploration
  • Accelerating progress is because teachers build upon the pupils’ knowledge when they first arrive and have an increasing understanding of the pupil’s needs
  • Pupils benefit from a specialised teaching of music which supports good attainment for their age
  Personal development, wellbeing and safety
  • Underpinning the excellent outcomes in personal development are the adherence to the Wellington values
  • The setting is instilling a genuine desire to work
  • Excellent behaviour is almost second nature. Courtesy is the norm
  • Pupils are influenced by a rich diet of care and respect, and increasingly high expectations from the moment they step foot in the setting
  • Pupils grow in confidence because they are treated scrupulously fairly
  Teaching and learning
  • Teachers are talented and make a difference to pupils
  • Teaching assistants possess good qualities which add to the quality of education of the pupils
  • The staff team are very effective in creating learning areas, and classrooms are happy, purposeful places
  • Teachers and assistants interact very well, share responsibilities and value each other’s strengths
  • There is a high degree of trust in the classrooms
  • Teachers are good role models…..they are sensitive and careful in their guidance, yet insist on full concentration and maximum effort from the pupils
  Curriculum and assessment
  • The spirit of early years education is transmitted into high quality learning environments both indoors and outside
  • There is a good balance struck between promoting academic and social, physical and emotional needs
  Leadership and management
  • There is a belief that pupils need to develop not only high academic skills but also advanced personal skills that reflect the Wellington values
  • Staff do whatever it takes to ensure that pupils are happy, safe and achieve well. I believe that the annual review team saw the setting in precisely the same light that I see it; a happy, safe, inspiring melting pot of exploring, discovery, thinking and doing. To the team that I am blessed to work with and to the parents who make our Wellington early years community, I wish to thank you all sincerely. All the comments above reflect who you are – you make the setting what it is; you make us, us.

Get your smiles ready We have arranged for professional photographs, including class and individual photographs, to be taken 11-13 April. All families will have already received an email outlining the process and I’d like to remind parents that children MUST be in full Wellington College uniform for their age group. Children who are not in appropriate uniform will not be included in the class photograph and I trust that parents will ensure that their children represent the College and its identity.   Farewell Oscar! This week we said a fond farewell to Oscar, an intern who has made a significant contribution to the setting. Oscar joined us fresh from Crowthorne in August 2017 and quickly become popular with children, staff and parents alike. Not only was Oscar a Wellingtonian, but he was a bilingual Wellingtonian who exuded the values that we instil in our children. Oscar supported the class teachers to promote language acquisition and made a lasting mark on the sensory learning space which will move with us to our forever home in the summer. Oscar leaves Shanghai bound for Hong Kong and new adventures. We wish him well and sincerely hope to see him again in the not too distant future.      
Qing Ming wishes to our Wellington families We send our young Wellingtonians off for Spring break, marking the custom of Qing Ming, an occasion of unique characteristics, integrating sorrowful tears to the dead with the continuous laughter from the spring outing. https://www.travelchinaguide.com/essential/holidays/qingming.htm Tomb sweeping day remains embedded in a culture dating back over a thousand years. Tomb sweeping, spring outings and kite flying are symbols of this tradition. At this time, spring returns and dominates the earth again. The feel of growing life is in the air, with sap ascending in trees and buds bursting. And the willow branches inserted on each gate add vigour and vitality to the surroundings. We look forward to welcoming our Wellingtonians back to the setting on Monday 9th April 
  Classroom News for week beginning Monday 9th April 2018  EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme The Very Hungry Caterpillar This week we will start our new theme The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will read The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Chinese and English to children. We will talk about food the caterpillar eats every day. In art area, children will make caterpillars with various materials. In small world play area, children will have opportunity to feed “caterpillar” with food they find. Children will also use torches and light and name the food on the board. We will hide some toys in the sandpit and ask children what they find to review the names of animals, food and numbers. We are reading: 《很饿的毛毛虫》、《我的百变浴缸》、The Very Hungry Caterpillar We are singing: 《爱我你就抱抱我》、Hello,Hello,How are you A note from the EY1 team: Qing Ming holidays are from 31st March to 8th April. Children will be back to the setting on 9th April.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme A Squash and a Squeeze Welcome back! In EY2 this week we will begin the new theme, “A Squash and a Squeeze.” The children will use different materials to decorate the egg. In addition, we will go on an egg hunt in the setting. As the weather is getting warmer and spring is coming, we will talk about the concept of animal life cycles such as tadpoles and caterpillars. We will make a life cycle book as well as maps to help us understand the meaning of life cycles. We will start to introduce different types of buildings and design. We are reading: A Squash and a Squeeze That’s not my… (book series) Goldilocks and the Three Bears 小房子变大房子 变变变 小蝌蚪找妈妈 We are singing: Down in the Jungle Where Nobody Goes. Old McDonald had a Farm Humpty Dumpty 大房子 粉刷匠 A note from the EY2 team: Please remember to let your child wear the proper school uniform to school. To prepare for EY3, at home, we want parents to encourage their children to do things independently such as eating and dressing by themselves as well as using the restroom and using tissue properly.   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Under the Sea “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” John Lubbock This week we will begin the new journey of “under the sea”. On Wednesday, children will be dressing up as a sea character and join our theme entry day by sharing their knowledge and questions about the sea. Our learning activities will go along the book 《sharing a shell》. We will be talking about the book and ask questions about what the children want to know. After that we will make shell designs and decorations and make wind chimes. We will be making puppets for acting out the story《sharing a shell》in our puppet show theatre. We are reading: 《我们是一家》 Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson We are singing: 《登鹳雀楼》 5 Cranky Crabs Special date: April 11th is dress up day for sea characters. Please dress up in sea related costumes and hand-made costumes are preferred.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Imagine That After the holiday we will start the new topoic “Imagine that!” Teachers will read the story Not a box and encourage children to be open minded and use their imagination when doing the activity and problem solving. We want to encourage children to have their own ideas and opinions and understand that there is more than one way to do something. We are reading: Not A Box 不是箱子 童话故事 We are singing: 多变的毛线 Phonics songs   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY 1 – Welcome back! Spring is here and this week we will begin exploring a magical, musical garden. We’ll review 春雨沙沙沙 and learn the new bilingual song Hello Mr. Sun. Movement activities and an instrument play along to butterfly and caterpillar themed music will also be a highlight. EY 2 – It’s time to take a trip to the farm! We’ll meet hens, pigs, goats and cows on the farm, play with the sounds they make and explore moving fast and slow moving like different farm animals. The Chinese song 老母鸡 and the English rhythm chant 10 Fluffy Chicks will be introduced, and eggshakers will be our featured instrument for a fiddle music themed play along. EY 3 – All aboard! We’re off on an ocean adventure this term. The traditional English song Children, Children Build Me a Boat will launch us out on the ocean to play in the waves and hear the magical sounds of the sea.  We’ll meet several ocean animals through the Chinese song 在海里 before heading back to the beach to play sandblocks to music from the Caribbean. EY 4 – The adventure begins this week with the delivery of a mysterious letter. 欢欢 the Panda needs our help! Can we work together to get across and save her? Musical highlights of this Earth Day themed journey will include a bilingual version of the classic 康定情歌, a fast and slow musical train journey to play along with, and the popular English song The Whole World in Our Hands. We are singing: EY 1 -春雨沙沙沙, Hello Mr. Sun, Fly Fly the Butterfly EY 2 -老母鸡, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 10 Fluffy Chicks EY 3 -在海里, Children Children Build Me a Boat EY 4 -康定情歌, The Whole World in Our Hands Special notes: Spring is here and we are expanding the Music Kitchen. Pots, pans, spoons, plastic bottles, biscuit tins, chopsticks, ladles, cups… We would love to have those odd pieces from the back of your cupboard for our children to make joyful noises with! Please drop your items in the Music Kitchen box in Reception. Should you have any questions please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn for more details.