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Insights | EY4 became little explorers with BIG ideas!

07 May 2018

The Spring term has come to an end. Our children and teaching staff have had great fun when busy exploring themed curriculum. Let’s have a quick review of what pupils at each year group have learned in the last a few months.


During our time exploring the theme ‘Me and My World’, we moved on to looking at the world in a wider sense, by becoming ‘little explorers’! With the use of local and international stories of exploration and discovery, the children were able to explore the world around them, learning about explorers, the difficulties they faced, what they were in search of and why they set out exploring.


They became inspired to explore the world around them. Through several child-led activities and projects, the children were encouraged to use their initiative, develop their creative skills and become motivated in their own learning. By following their own interests with regards to small projects, the children were afforded the opportunity to appreciate that by trying their best, they could achieve the best outcomes possible. As we began the transition period between leaving the setting and starting at the bilingual school, some activities became targeted at challenging the children’s thinking skills as well as encouraging them to think about their own learning. After learning about world explorers, the children shared their desire to further explore dinosaurs (Elephant and Monkey) and the desert (Giraffe). Each class explored their topic depending on what the individuals and groups in that class were wanting to learn more about. The children discovered fiction and non-fiction texts and how we can use technology to learn more about a topic that interests us. Some of the areas of interests for the children focused on carnivores and herbivores, fossils, features of dinosaurs, the desert landscape, desert features, and scientific knowledge of water evaporation and about how animals survive in the desert.


The children enjoyed having the opportunity to contribute their ideas to the creation of our outdoor environment. They have been very eager to help in the construction of furniture items, move things, sort recycled items and hang labels. Through the children being so involved in the setup of the outdoor play, they feel a sense of ownership and can often be seen directing younger pupils as to how to play appropriately with the materials outside.