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Health Tips in Spring

17 Apr 2019
April brings rising temperatures as Spring blossoms and plants come back to life. This means that there is often a large temperature difference between night and day, which can result in higher incidences of respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases. We would like to remind parents to follow the suggestions below and take preventative actions to control diseases, such as chickenpox, viral infectious diarrhoea and hand-foot-mouth disease.

 Preventing respiratory infectious diseases Tips: Ventilate rooms. Fresh air can remove excess moisture and reduce indoor contamination. Meanwhile, ultraviolet rays from sunlight have a positive bactericidal effect. Stay away from crowded places where possible. Remember to wear a mask when necessary and avoid contact with respiratory infectious patients. Drink enough water to stay properly hydrated. Please make sure children drink between 1100 to 1600 millilitres of water every day, according to their different age groups. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Lean meats, eggs, fish, beans, bean products and vegetables should be added to young children’s meals. Avoid eating fried food as much as possible, especially fried eggs,  sausages or unhealthy snacks. Maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or sleeves (use the inside of the elbow) when coughing and sneezing. Maintain a regular daily routine. Ample sleep can allay tiredness and regulate various functions of the human body. Participate in outdoor activities to bask in the sun and improve your personal immune system. Go to hospital in a timely manner if a fever or other illness occurs and remember to wear a mask when going to see a doctor. After your check-up, please wash your hands for the purpose of disinfection. Intestinal infectious disease Tips:
  1.  Personal hygiene is always important, whether you are well or ill.Wash your hands before having meals or after going to the toilet and take a shower frequently.
  2. Food hygiene: raw and cooked food should not be put together; seafood products like shellfish are safer when cooked thoroughly; fresh and digestible food are preferred in meals; leftover food should be allowed to cool fully and stored in a refridgerator. It should be thoroughly reheated before being eaten.
  3. Drinking water hygiene: drink boiled water instead of unboiled water and clean the water dispenser regularly.
  4. Pay attention to home cleanliness.
  5. Get some rest; take part in outdoor activities which enable you to gain exposure to sunlight and improve your immune system.
Common diseases in spring
  • Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, most commonly affecting school-aged children between 4 to 12 years old. It is mainly transmitted via respiratory droplets (sneezing, coughing and speaking) or the touching of liquid in the blisters. Children diagnosed with chickenpox should be isolated at home until their blisters all have scabbed over.
  • Viral infectious diarrhoea
Viral infectious diarrhoea is an acute gastrointestinal disease caused by viral infections such as norovirus and rotavirus, with characteristics of rapid, widespread transmission. Symptoms are diarrhoea and vomiting. Infected children should be excluded from school and stay at home for 72 hours after all symptoms have resolved.
  • Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease
Most cases of HFMD occur in young children. Symptoms start with fever, dental ulcer and herpes. If children are diagnosed with HFMD, please send them to the hospital and keep them isolated at home in order not to infect others.