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Our First Week!

02 Sep 2016

The first week at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai has ended very successfully and the children have made remarkable progress in settling in so quickly. The majority of the children are now staying for full days with a few having shorter days. More importantly by Thursday, all children were engaged in activities they enjoyed and there was a genuine vibrancy to be felt around the setting. We must all be reminded that every child is unique and we must respond to their individual needs - it is not a sign of defeat if a child goes home early (we've all left work early on occasion, we have 'good' days and 'bad' days - young children are no different). It takes time to adapt to new situations and we must do all we can to support the transition from home to a new setting. A little patience now reaps greater benefits for all. Enjoy your weekend with your young Wellingtonian - we look forward to seeing you on Monday.