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The Week Ahead 20180302

02 Mar 2018
This week, it is all about books, books and books………. Early years educators are never satisfied; always on the lookout for something different or new, they continually change the learning environment around them, they modify their practice to reflect what is considered current best practice, they seek to use trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t work for their pupils, only to find that if they try it again later in the year, the opposite result can be seen. The classroom is their domain; the place that is a melting pot of wonder, a laboratory for all kinds of experiments, a transient world to be explored, before a new world is created, a haven where risks can be taken safely, and mistakes made whilst feeling secure and protected from negativity. It is the precise location where evolution of practice originates. Yuki and I feel like this about the entire setting. Each day we walk around the learning spaces and discuss what potential change we could make with the team. These changes may be brought on by something as simple as a change in season, an inspiring idea evolving from latest educational thinking, recommended practice from leading experts in the field of early years, or more simply, the wishes of a team to bring any of their many ideas to life. This week, it happened in the library. It happened in the library with the help of a few very willing and able volunteers. Small in number, but mighty in productivity. We wished for a change and we got it. Part one of the change came under the direction of our lovely interior designer / creative expert (words fail me as to how to refer to her!) Lorna Collins. Lorna is currently in the midst of planning some incredible art projects with the children. Whilst in between stages of project work, Lorna made the naive mistake of asking me if there was anything that she could do to support. Imagine asking an early year’s educator if they need anything doing! We decided to make the library a focus for a bit of a makeover; a two-stage project; stage one being a rearrangement of the space to redefine its use and increase the level of cosiness. Stage two to be an increase in the wall decoration, something that would serve as a base upon which the children would add their own stamp. A jungle, no less. We decided upon a jungle. Monday saw the rearrangement of furniture with the enthusiastic support of Lynn and Lee, our library team. The impact was immediate. The children relished the changes and engaged with the space in new ways. Tuesday’s task was to be a little more workforce heavy and consequently required helpers. A request to some of the EY4 parents resulted in a team of eager volunteers, ready to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty; all in the name of doing something to make the children’s educational experience better by enhancing the learning space around them. Under the artistic direction of Lorna and within a brief time, the space was transformed in to a vibrant and interesting space. It’s over to the children from here on; with the support of Lynn and Lee, they will now add another dimension to the space, bringing it truly to life. Thursday 1st March was World Book Day, a day where children and adults alike have an opportunity to dress up as their favourite literary character and be thankful to live in a world filled with endless fiction and non-fiction books. World Book Day has become the biggest celebration of books and reading in the world. It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. This is the 21st year there’s been a World Book Day where children of all ages will come together to appreciate reading. Very loudly and very happily. The main aim of World Book is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading (adapted from http://www.worldbookday.com/about/). Books don’t need to have words to tell a story. Pictures are sufficient, your imagination can do the rest. Some useful prompts from a supportive adult may help too – why not give it a go? Find a wordless picture book and see where it takes you and your child. The possibilities are endless and each time you read together, you may just find that you end up somewhere different, somewhere unexpected, but certainly somewhere magical. And so, thank you to all parents and staff for their efforts – what a splendid array of costumes we had. World Book Day selfies aplenty were taken and will be displayed around the setting for your perusal in the very near future. We turned two this week! February 28th marked our birthday in the absence of the 29th day of a leap year and this year, the setting turning two. We’ve achieved a lot in the two years since we opened with our 68 founding families in 2016. We have grown significantly, both in family numbers and team members. We have created a culture whereby parents and children feel a valued part of a community. We have become one large family with shared values and vision. We are proud of our achievements and are proud of what and who we have become. Moreover, we are proud to share the journey with our parents as partners, our wonderful team of early years educators and most importantly our astonishing pupils who continue to amaze us every day. Classroom News for week beginning Monday 5th March 2018 EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme My Dad My Mum This week we will continue reading book My Mum to the children. We will be drawing portraits of our family members and tell our friends about people in the family. We will be using lots of recycle material to make ovens, refrigerator, washing machine and furniture in the house. Children will also have opportunities to make gifts for their mums on Women’s Day. Children will be encouraged to share their experience in this hospital and contribute to the hospital role play. We are reading: 《我妈妈》、《我会自己穿衣服》、《我不怕打针》、My Mum We are singing: 小白兔、我爱洗澡、幸福拍手歌、Finger family、Feeling the beat Special date: 5th March- 9th March Parent Practitioner Conferences A note from the EY1 team: Parent practitioner conferences will be held from the 5th to the 9th of March. Please attend the conference according your appointment. If you can’t make it please email teachers.Thank you.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Handa’s Surprise This week we will continue to learning about the book Handa’s Surprise. We have prepared a cornucopia of fun activities based on this story. The children will work on creating their African instruments this week. They will then use these instruments as we listen to African music. We will practice playing the instruments rhythmically to the sound of the beat. We wil also practice dancing to the music. As Handa’s Surprise takes place in Africa, we will take this opportunity to learn more about African cultures and expressions through music. This will be an excellent opportunity for the children in EY2 to learn about a different culture as well as develop an appreciation of unique and inspiring rhythms from other cultures. We are reading: Handa’s Surprise、Walking Through the Jungle、汉娜的惊喜、蚂蚁和西瓜、南瓜汤 We are singing: Down in the jungle where nobody goes、狂野非洲 Special date: Silly shoes day 9th March A note from the EY2 team: To help to make musical instrument, if possible, could the children bring in a plastic bottle and a small box?   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Space Part 2 This week we will continue to enlighten the children to learn more about the solar system. We will discuss information about the Sun such as its temperature, shape, size ect. The children will explore sunlight and shadows through experiments like using a sundial and measuring shadows. We will also learn about Harber Telescope and make our own telescope with recycling materials. We will start to make models of planets from the solar system as well through which the children will develop their art and design skills as well as group working skills. We are reading: 《专心听, 等一等再说》、Whatever Next by Jill Murphy We are singing: 《鹅鹅鹅》、It’s a blast! Special date: Friday 9th March is Silly Shoes Day. Please design and decorate shoes with your child.   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme We Are the Explorer of the World Part 2 In Monkey and Elephant classes, children are learning about fiction books and non-fiction books and learning about the different parts of the books such as title, author, illustration, contents page, etc. Children will work in small groups to create their own books, some children decided to make a story book, and some other children will make non-fiction books. Children will learn how to use IPad and computer to search for information and discuss about the distinction of dinosaurs and do a hands on experiment of volcano eruption. In Giraffe Class, children are also learning about the outdoor survival manual and learning about the different parts of the manual such as title, author, illustration, contents page, etc. Children will work in small groups to create their own manual. Children will learn how to use IPad and computer to search for information and discuss about what to pack for the desert, what to wear and etc. We are reading: 《恐龙大陆》系列、Dinosaurs Galore! Top Dinosaurs、Stomp, dinosaur, stomp! How do dinosaurs… (series) We are singing: 《恐龙绝灭的原因》、《如果恐龙还活着》、《体验沙漠》、《沙漠探险》、Days of the week Special date: 5th March- 9th March Parent Practitioner Conferences A note from EY4 team: Please make sure your child has a rain coat and rain boots in their cubby each day for outdoor play now that rainy weather is upon us.   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space EY1 – We love our families and are excited about our new theme books- My Dad and My Mum. This week we will chant a Chinese rhyme ‘The Names of Relatives’ and sing 'The Finger Family' in English. Our music focus this week is steady beat which we will explore through instrument play and dance activities. EY2 – Dinhe is not a person's name or a place. It is a traditional African dance from Zimbabwe! This week the EY2 children will have a chance to learn this special dance inspired by the movements related to farming and harvest. We will continue exploring the difference between steady beat and rhythm using fruit shakers and music from Kenya inspired by the book Handa's Surprise. A new fruit filled version of the familiar song 拔萝卜will also be a highlight. EY3 – Spring is in the air! Our exploration of the orchestra takes us to the string section this week. We'll explore the different sounds stringed instruments can make, listen to an excerpt from Spring from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and then make our own simple stringed instruments! We will also learn the traditional Tang Dynasty poem 春晓 set to music. EY4 – We've got the rhythm! Our EY4 children are very excited about learning music notation. This week the children will work in groups to play rhythm patterns, later trying to create their own. We'll also bring the children's dinosaur explorations into the music classroom with fun, active and rhythmic dinosaur songs in English and Chinese. We are singing: EY1 – 亲属称呼歌, The Finger Family EY2 – 摘水果 EY3 – 春晓 EY4 – We Are the Dinosaurs,恐龙时代 Special notes: Are you a musician, dancer, or creative performer? WCCBS needs you! Our children are an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, and we would love to share your talents with them as we learn about music. Grandparents, family friends, and community members are welcome too! If you have a talent you would like to share, please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn . Thank you.