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The Week Ahead 20180601

01 Jun 2018
The Week Ahead..............this week, its all about children!   On Saturday, we welcomed over 800 people to our spectacular Summer Carnival. The event, now in its second year here at Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai brought together members of the Wellington community and beyond to enjoy a wonderful array of entertainment, games, sports, arts and craft activities and talented vendors. As the Carnival loomed large, there was some concern regarding whether the rain would stay away and if we would need to put PLAN B in to place. As luck would have it the rain stayed away, and the day was a warm, humid and happy one. Events such as these afford an opportunity to step back from my leadership role and reflect on the story behind the scene created. I remember events and occasions as scenes, pictures and photographs. My memories, like most peoples are stored as video clips, photo albums and art galleries; they are visual stills and short movies. I recall visual details with much more accuracy than spoken or written words. Sights, smells and sounds enhance and invoke memories, making them a multisensory experience. Here goes, then. Picture a scene where there is a feeling of genuine warmth and satisfaction, a sense of anticipation of what the day ahead must hold. Every inch of the surroundings is filled with the sounds of chatter, busyness, laughter and excitement – a real buzz, a party feeling……it is CARNIVAL time, after all. This creates the atmosphere and essence of our scene. The background to our scene is made from the shades of fun and games; fencing, football, sailing, golf, arts, crafts, mazes, bouncy castles and ball pools, merry-go-rounds, games, sugar crafting, horse rides and face painting. Building depth on to the background are the colours of artists; a jazz band, drama group, traditional and modern musical performers, magicians, hip hop dancers, Dai dancers and flamenco performers. In between the strokes of colour are the subtle hues of DJs and musicians to fill the canvas to the very edges. The bright highlights come from the people; tall and short, large and small, young and old, walking, running, playing, relaxing, chatting, eating and wallowing in the joy of the scene around them. Like shooting stars, they add the light and life to the scene, sparks of contentment and happiness.


This glorious scene had much preparation before any colour or embellishment could be added; the canvas prepped by a multitude of people who asked for no recognition or credit - the marketing team who worked to ensure that the event was known to the community and all elements came together; the operations team who ensured that the physical set up reflected exactly what was required; the property management company who worked alongside operations to bring the event to realisation; the security team who ensured our safety throughout the day; the Wellington non-academic and academic teams who staffed the areas and supported where required; and the parent volunteers who made it their duty to serve others to make the event a success for all. This event was not a College event, it was a Wellington community event, led by Mr Zhang, our Parent Representative. Mr Zhang worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail of the event reflected the families here at Wellington, never losing sight that the children were the absolute focus for the day.


Upon reflection, the story is one of togetherness, of people selflessly giving time, energy and effort for the sake of others happiness to create memories that last long beyond the day itself. I’ve written once or twice (or maybe a hundred times) before that I am extremely proud to be a part of the Wellington community, there is a genuine sense of belonging here that underpins everything that we do. Without a sense of belonging, there is a disconnect. However, with a sense of belonging there is trust, partnership, openness, shared vision and values. Where there is a sense of belonging, there is belief in each other. The stakes are too high not to believe in each other. As educators, we are trusted to do our best with the most treasured of possessions: the children who are our youngest Wellingtonians. In return, we believe in the families; that they will always work in partnership with us to ensure that every child becomes the very best, uique version of themselves. Isn’t that what early years education is all about? I believe it is. Our parents believe so too.

Classroom News for week beginning Monday 4th June 2018  EY1 – Erica Ni writes about the theme The Very Busy Bee Next week, EY1 will focus on reviewing numbers and shapes. During the circle time in the morning, we will sing some rhymes related to numbers with children such as One Finger One Finger Turn Turn Turn. Children will have opportunity to play with ice and talk about what they find in the ice cubes. Children can also play cars with numbers. Teachers will lead children to match the numbers on the cars with the numbers / dots in parking spot. Children can also choose to play with maze or shape hunting with teachers in outdoor area. We are reading: 《忙碌的蜜蜂》 《蚂蚁和西瓜》 The Very Busy Bee We are singing: 《春雨沙沙》、《美丽的蝴蝶》、《粉刷匠》、《手指歌》、Five butterflies Special dates: 4th of June Health Check Special note: Please send your child/children by 9 am in the morning for health check on 4th of June. Please also collect your child’s first morning mid-stream urine in the urine tube. This needs to be done on 4th June at home and then brought to the class teacher when you drop off your child/children.   EY2 – Vivian He writes about the theme Rainbow fish Next week, to develop the deeper understanding of the ocean life, children will create an undersea picture which will include fish, octopuses, turtles and star fish. Alongside the theme book Rainbow Fish, we will continue to introduce the different describing words. Children will also make aquarium bottles using water, food colouring or paint, small rocks, shells and small toy fish. We are reading: Rainbow Fish Goldilocks and the Three Bears 揭秘海洋 鲨鱼肖恩 小美人鱼 We are singing: Mary had a little Lamb Baa Baa Black Sheep 鲨鱼宝宝体操 五条鲨鱼找朋友 Special note: Please remember it is now getting quite hot, so could all children have hats and sun cream.   EY3 – Nicole writes about the theme Adventures under the Sea “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full.” King Solomon. Next week we will continue the topic of food chain. The children will discuss and learn about how a starfish eats a clam and how a crab eats a starfish. They will be asked to make sea food chains and give reasons for their work. The children will also explore a new way of expressive art----engraving print (版画) to show their creativity of the topic. The children will be learning a poem “yi wang er san li”(一望二三里) and drawing a serial-painting of their understanding of it. We are reading: 《变形记》 Smiley Shark We are singing: 《老鼠嫁女儿》 Under the sea   EY4 – Emily Gu writes about the theme Imagine That After children played the game ‘what’s the time Mr. wolf’ Children shows a big interest to know about the time. So we will continue to introduce the way to read the clock.  Children will practice their skills reading time from the clock at transition time, which will help them to build up the sense of being on time, and also will help them understand that time is precious and limited, shouldn’t be wasted. We will discuss how to do things more effectively in our daily life. Children will also talk about spending money on things, they will learn to count the money and try to solve some real life related money problem. We are reading: 《苏斯博士系列》 《时钟的书1》 《时钟的书2》 《Three Little Pigs》 We are singing: 《时钟在走路》 Special note: We will do the heath check-up for all pupils on 4th Jun (Monday). Please send your child to the setting before 9am. Please collect your child’s morning mid-stream urine in the urine tube on 4th June at home then bring it to the setting and give it to the class teacher.   Music and Movement – PeiHua and Sarah write about life in the music space June is here and our end of year performances are just around the corner. This week the children will continue to practice for their classroom feature performance as well as some very special whole year group performances.  Singing, dancing, chanting, instrument play and more… we can’t wait to share the children’s talents with you soon. We’ll also take advantage of the early summer weather and create some music outdoors as well. Weather permitting we’ll explore the Music Kitchen, play musical games, and maybe even have a marching band parade. Favourite songs and activities from throughout the year will be reviewed. We are singing: We’re creating some special performances to share with you. Wait and see! Special note: Should you have any questions please e-mail peihua.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn or sarah.peel@wellingtoncollege.cn for more details.