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The Week Ahead 20180622

22 Jun 2018
This week, we say farewell……   Farewell to the term Wow, wow, wow! We have crammed so much in this term and the 2017-18 academic year ends on a glorious high with our end of term performances. What astonishing efforts by the children – with many a tear of happiness and pride shed by the parents. A very special thanks to PeiHua and Sarah for bringing this event to life and for maintaining their sanity throughout the process (this is no mean feat, I can assure you!) whilst guiding over 270 pupils and supporting the teaching teams to ensure that all performances were a remarkable success. Thank you also to Diya and Amana, our fabulous interns from Wellington College and Wellington Academy for being such pro-active stagehands. This was by far, the best way to end the term ? A review of the year will be heading its way soon……keep an eye out for our WeChat post.   

 Farwell to the pupils How far you’ve all come this year, how much you have grown. Not just physically, but socially, emotionally, academically and personally. Growing in independence, confidence and resilience to become more courageous, responsible and individual – it is what we aim to do: to support our youngest pupils to become inspired learners for life. However, without the pupils’ willingness to have a go and try, we could never succeed. Our EY4 pupils will not return to us after the break; rather, they will start Grade 1 in the bilingual school. To our EY4 pupils and families, we wish you all the very best as you start the next phase of your Hiba education. We won’t be strangers in the school and will make sure that we come to visit you often. 

  Farwell to the families Thank you for continuing to strengthen our partnership, trusting in who we are and what we do. The decision to join us was for some, a leap of faith. You believed in what we believe and trusted us to deliver. I don’t think we have disappointed you and your children are testament to our partnership and collaboration. They are the evidence and result of our joint investment – an investment of time, energy and effort. They are amazing, and you should be exceptionally proud. Some of our families are moving to pastures new as they start the next chapter of their lives. On behalf of everyone here, I wish you well.  

  Farewell to the team Thank you for your continued efforts. Thank you for holding our values as your own. Thank you for creating a toxic-free, nutrient-rich environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging. Thank you for adding your individual personalities in to the mix, so that we have developed our own team identity. Enjoy the break – you deserve it very much. We say a fond, yet final farewell to some members of the team this summer. Our fantastic interns Diya and Amana will be leaving us this week, as they prepare themselves for the next stage in their education. On behalf of the Wellington community, I wish you well.    

   Farwell to the building The time has come to say a final farewell to the building that has been home for the last two and a half years. Sad as it may seem, once the people and the ‘things’ are removed, what is left is simply building materials. We take the memories, the people and the ‘things’ with us to our forever home and once again will create our bilingual magic. We are genuinely excited about the future; the next chapter of our story begins soon! For the families of Wellington College Bilingual Shanghai, there will be a special keepsake for you which will be given out at the Farewell party on Saturday. 

  A WARM, HAPPY and EXCITING HELLO to Hiba Academy Shanghai! We will look forward to seeing you back in August. Don’t forget that parent and pupil induction take place on:
  • Thursday 23rd August – EY1 09:00 – 11:00
  • Thursday 23rd August – EY3 13:00 – 15:00
  • Friday 24th August – EY2 09:00 – 11:00
  • Friday 24th August – EY4 13:00 – 15:00
Term officially starts on Monday 27th August. Have an amazing summer and come back to us happy, healthy and with lots of wonderful stories to tell.