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The Week Ahead 20181214

14 Dec 2018
This week we went to Little Socium The EY2, EY3 and EY4 children had the opportunity to visit Little Socium on their first educational field trip. Based on the principles of role play, the children explored various professions under the guidance and support of a wonderful team of adults. The children were very excited and were amazing ambassadors for the nursery – they headed off very sensibly to the awaiting buses and imbued the values of respect and responsibility in their behaviour and conduct.


This event would not have been possible without the help of our parents who volunteered their time and energy to ensure the children had the very best experience. On behalf of the entire team here at Hiba Academy Shanghai, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to everyone who supported this event – we simply wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.   Look who visited! Who's got a beard that's long and white? Santa's got a beard that's long and white Who comes around on a special night? Santa comes around on a special night Special Night, beard that's white Must be Santa Must be Santa Must be Santa, Santa Claus Whether you refer to him as Santa Claus, Father Christmas or another festive designation, his appearance is recognised throughout the world. The man in red took a little time out of his very busy schedule to pay a surprise visit to the nursery and read a story to the children this morning. Assisted by his trusty elf, Santa presented the children with a festive cookie to be enjoyed at home – please do check the list of ingredients ? 


Friends of Hiba (FoH) – serving the community with Fun, Obligation and Harmony. Friends of Hiba held their first information session on Tuesday where members of the core committee introduced themselves and the vision for what FoH will represent for the nursery. The session was well attended reflecting the commitment of the nursery families to developing the community further. The contribution of the parent community will be crucial to the success of Friends of Hiba and once again, I extend my gratitude to everyone that gave their time and support.   Introducing Ms. Annie Qiao, Treasurer


Since graduation, Annie had been working in the financial consulting industry and talent development field in international accounting firms for more than 15 years. Three years ago, she found herself more passionate in fencing education. She then founded a youth fencing club and created one of the biggest communities of global fencing families. Annie is a mum of two boys.  Her elder son is a Grade 6 student. The younger one has joined Hiba family since its establishment . Annie is happy to share her passion and skills with the Hiba community.   Introducing Ms. Ling Li, Vice Chair (Charities)


Ling Li is a mum of two children. Now Ms Li is the founder and CEO of an internet technology company which is focusing on commercial bill exchange business. After graduating from university, Ms Li worked at a credit department in a bank and then devoted herself into commercial bill business for more than 10 years.   Introducing Mr. Albert Zhu, Vice Chair (Events)


Hello. My name is Albert, father of EY2 Class. I graduated from Shanghai International Studies University & Fudan University. Now I am working on my Financial MBA Degree in China Europe International Business School. My current job is to manage an interior designing firm and a catering company. It is my great honour to serve Hiba families as part of FOH, which we interpret as (F for) Fun, (O for) Obligation and (H for) Harmony. By following the nursery’s values, we will carry on Hiba’s fantastic extra-curriculum activities and make it more diversified and more interactive. We would like to invite you to join us if you have any ideas, any experiences, or whatever you think will help us to do better.

FoH needs a Secretary General – are you interested?

If you are, please contact FoH at FOH.hns@huilieducation.cn

  10 things…… I saw this on LinkedIn and thought I’d share it with you. How true that we don’t need to be talented to be able to have these extremely valuable and positive attributes to life:
  • Being on time
  • Being prepared
  • Having a good work ethic
  • Giving your best effort
  • Smiling and having good body language
  • Having high energy
  • Being optimistic and having a great attitude
  • Having passion
  • Doing more than what you were asked to do
  • Being honest and trustworthy