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The Week Ahead 20190222

22 Feb 2019

What a busy couple of weeks! My trip to the UK was a great success on many levels. Through visits to Islington, Histon, Reading, Caversham, Cambridge, Crowthorne and Southwark, I had much opportunity for learning through observing others’ practice, active professional discussion with like-minded peers and reflecting on practice here in the bilingual bubble. The nursery schools that I visited were all very different in their set up, locations, communities and challenges. However, the one thing that they all had in common, was that they were judged as outstanding by Ofsted. And they truly were; and I was very grateful to be invited in to spend time in the classrooms, staff rooms and offices of each setting. All the ideas formed were carefully filed away in my mind, ready for discussion with the team back in Shanghai. What’s more, much of what I saw reaffirmed what we do already and importantly, why we do it. In some instances, I learned new or different ways of doing things. In others, it confirmed that we do very well with no need for change. Lots of opportunity to think!


 As I’ve taken on more and more responsibility throughout my career, I’ve grown increasingly fond of opportunities to reflect and I cherish time when I can filter out the nonsense and clutter in my mind and focus on the present moment; my present moment in the world. When walking along the banks of the river Cam in the beautiful city of Cambridge, one’s brain switches to mindful mode automatically and the surrounding beauty supports reflective moments – at least for a few hours anyway. Whilst away, I was also able to indulge in one of my favourite hobbies: eating! Being in Cambridge afforded the opportunity of a very decent Sunday roast – a meal I delight in, especially when I haven’t had to prepare and cook it myself or do the dreaded washing up! Meeting my good friend Iain Henderson (Deputy Head, Academic Development & Partnerships) at his splendid new home in the grounds of the glorious Wellington College presented another gastronomic treat – that of a very decent curry! After a wonderful week in the UK, I flew back in to Shanghai for a weekend of family fun before heading off to Hong Kong with Yuki for a conference on ‘The Power of Early Learning Cultures’. Organised by COBIS and Karen Ardley Associates at Nord Anglia International School, the event brought like-minded practitioners from Asia and beyond together. This time, however, rather than being an attendee, I was presenting with Yuki on two topics close to our hearts:

  1. Bilingual provision in early years
  2. Bridging cultures
This was our first time at presenting together and we had a great two days meeting lots of fabulous early years practitioners and leaders. We hope that for all the attendees, this event was the start of a new, positive relationships based on developing shared professional learning cultures – we are certain that we will maintain a professional relationship with many of those who attended our workshops and world café. There is so much going on in early years education around the globe, it is fascinating to learn how others operate and practice. 
  Parent Satisfaction Survey 


Thank you to all parents who responded to the recent satisfaction survey – it is so important to us to be able to gather opinion and feedback on how life is for our families here at Hiba Academy Shanghai. Yuki and I were overwhelmed at the positivity throughout the survey and the comments to support the data were extremely pleasing. Most responses were above 90% agreement, with some reaching 100% (particularly around values, identity and ethos). Any responses pertaining to the academic team or leadership which were below 85% agreement will be considered during our leadership meetings and an action plan put in place for continued improvement. We acknowledge that not all the results were glowing and appreciate that where concerns have been raised that Hiba families will trust us to act on their behalf in raising their concerns with the relevant service department for consideration and action.    

World Book Day is approaching……make a date, or two in your diaries!

Lynn Chen, our fabulous librarian is taking charge of this literary splendour – come along and join in the fun ?

  Friends of Hiba – upcoming event
 Dear Parents, Mastering some essential first-aid knowledge and skills to deal with accidental injuries or situations in a timely, correct and scientific way can be of great help to our safety and health,particularly for children. Thus, we invite to you join the FOH’s Coffee Morning Session on Essential First-Aid Skills by an international rescue expert --that scheduled on. Time: 09:00-10:00, Tuesday, Feb.26 Location: Media Room, 3rd Floor Looking forward to seeing you.   
   How do we communicate with the Hiba Nursery families and community?

 I was interested to read a comment from the satisfaction reported that they didn’t know much about what was going on at the nursery. This is a timely reminder of all the ways you can know what we are up to:
  • The Week Ahead (general news and updates)
  • The Hiba Weekly (curriculum news for each specific stage and specialist subjects)
  • WeChat articles (a wide range of topics to reach out to all interested members of the community and beyond)
  • WeChat groups with parent representatives (immediate and relevant news about individual classes)
  • WeChat group with Friends of Hiba (updates and relevant news from the official parent association)
  • Emails through iSAMS system
  • Formal academic reports (end of Autumn and Summer terms)
  • Parent / practitioner meetings (Autumn and Spring terms)
  • Parent Information Sessions (a wide variety of topics to better support parents as partners in their child’s learning)
  • Termly meeting with the leadership team
  • Face to face communication with teaching team members
  • Open door policy to leadership offices